WoW Dragonflight Best Hunter Pets - Top 10 Pets To Get for Hunter in Dragonflight
In World of Warcraft, a new expansion means new hunter pets to go and tame and collect, and WoW Dragonflight will be no different, there's going to be a bunch of really good hunter pets for you to go and get. So in this guide, we'll be running through the Top 10 of those hunter pets to help you pick up the best partner.
Top 10 Hunt Pets To Get in WoW Dragonflight & How To Get Them
Here we are going to cover the top 10 best pets for hunters and how to get them in WoW Dragonflight:
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No. 10 - Icy Bear
There are going to be a few different color variants of Icy Bear, but this one, in particular, is going to be found in the North East of the Azure Span and this is the only one you can find with this particular coloring. You'll go out there, it is a quest mob so it's going to have a fairly short respawn timer and you can get your hands on that pet. We think these look really good if you have the mount as well, you can have kind of like a matching mount pack combo.
No. 9 - Magmammoths
In particular, we're going to go for the orange Magmammoth, though there are a few different variations of Magmammoth as well like their horn sizes and if they have spikes on their head, etc. You'll find this over in the northern end of Waking Shores, there'll be a bunch of kind of like mobs channeling beams into it, but all you need to do is tame it. You don't have to get rid of The Shield or anything along those lines, you can just pick this up. Now, this is a Magmammoth pet which means it's a tenacity pet and its special skill will be 50 movement speed slow.
No. 8 - Hornstriders
Black Hornstriders are going to come in a few variations as well with spiky horns and curved horns. This is going to be a tall strider pet which means it's ferocity and it's going to have a 50% movement speed slow as it's special skill now. You'll find Hornstrider just kind of like gnaw fish of Valdrakken within Thaidraszus, there's a bunch of them around, and you can pick up different color variations and horn styles.
No. 7 - Slyverns
All the color variations of Slyvern are very good. This is going to be a feather main pet which does mean you will need the Tome of Hybrid Beast taming to be able to tame these. If you don't know how to get that then you're going to have to go back and do Legion content, you're going to have to go through your class order hall, breach in the tomb, and then eventually you'll unlock the quest called 9 of the wild, which once you go through it'll give you your class order Hall amount and you'll also unlock the ability to purchase the Tome of Hybrid Beast. And because it is a feather main, it will have the two special skills of distraction and also a slow fall for you and the pet as well. If you do want to pick this up, there will be a few different locations to get it, one of those will be over in the hour and plains over on the west side near the Storm Scar and the emerald dream area, and there'll be kind of packs of these running around. You may get unlucky with the color variations that are spawned but if that's the case just kind of call out the ones that are currently there wait for them to respawn and you should get the color variation that you're after.
No. 6 - Magmasnails
There are three different color variations of Magmasnail, and the other two are more generic kind of magma-looking colors, but the blue one really stood out to most of the players. This is a karapid which means it is an exotic pet, so you're only going to be able to tame this as a Beast Mastery Hunter and its special skill will be damage reduction. Now if you do want this, you'll have to head over to the Waking Shores and over in the kind of Southwest Ise side of the Waking Shores whether the dried-up lava meets the water, there'll be these two snails having an epic showdown.
No. 5 - Icy Armoredon
Once again there will be a few different color variations of Armoredon but this is the only one that's going to have kind of like the ice on the tip of its horns. This is going to be a scale hide which means it's a ferocity pet and its special skill will be 50% damage reduction for the pet. If you want to pick up this particular one, there is a few different versions and locations for it. It is a quest mob, so early on you might have people kind of killing it on you, but it does respawn very quickly so it's not really that big of an issue.
No. 4 - Ottuks
Ottuks are rodents which means it's cunning and they will have Mortal wounds as their special skill. To get one of the Scouting Ottuk, you need to reach 25 renown with Iskaara Tuskarr to unlock the purchase Tatto, and it is sold for 750 Dragon Isles Supplies, two Aquatic Maws, and two Mastodon Tusks. To get one of the War Ottuks, you have to reach 30 renown with Iskaara Tuskarr to unlock and purchase from Iskaara Tuskarr 1,000 Dragon Isles Supplies, five Aquatic Maws, and five Mastodon Tusks. While for the Trader’s Ottuks, you have to complete some dragons and raids to collect some drops for Tattukiaka.
No. 3 - Bakars
Bakars are big old fluffy dog pound pets, they are classed as hounds and these are going to be cutting pets with a 50% movement speed slow as its special skill. You can find the white Bakar below Rhonin's Shield in Azure span. There's also a red one which is a rare spawn, so if you do like going after more unique pets, the red one can only be gotten from this particular rare spawn and this is going to be found kind of like the center east of Ohn'ahran Plains.
No. 2 - Divine Kiss of Ohn’ahra
The next pet will be the horned black and white Ohuna and this is going to be a bird of prey which means it's Conan and its special skill will be movement speed reduction. These horned birds have this winding trail coming off them looking really good, and there are a few different color variations of this as well. Divine Kiss of Ohn’ahra is attached to a rare spawn as well and if you want this one you'll find it kind of east of Ohn'ahran Plains in Sagecrest Pines, you are going to have to be waiting a few hours for it to spawn. But also you can unlock it after reaching renown nine with Maruuk Centaur.
No. 1 - Spectral Fey Darter
This is going to be a new family of pets which will be the Lesser Dragonkin and that is going to be the Spectral Fey Darter. This new family will be ferocity and its special skill will be reduced magic damage taken for the pet. If you want this one in particular you'll find it in the woods west of Sri-La Village in Jade Forest and there's a bunch of them around. It won't take you very long to get them. However, being able to tame Lesser Dragonkins is where things are a little bit more tricky. To tame them, you will need the renowned 23 with the Valdrakken Accord which is one of the longers wraps to kind of get done because it's not as grindable as the other ones, so it will take you a while to get around 23 and the item is meant to be account bound.
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