Dragonflight Season 1 M+ & Raid Tier List - Ranking Best Mythic+ & Raid Tanks in WoW Dragonflight
Dragonflight season 1 goes online the week of December 12 and delivers a new raid, a revised rotation of tough Mythic+ dungeons, and a new PvP Season. Then what are the best Mythic+ and raid tanks in WoW Dragonflight? Today, we'll be doing a Dragonflight season 1 tank tier list for M plus and raid. We do think all the tanks are reasonably well-positioned. You can get whatever you want realistically.
Dragonflight Season 1 M+ & Raid Tier List - Ranking Best Tanks in WoW Dragonflight for Mythic+ & Raid
Here with the best WoW Dragonflight season 1 tank tier list. We're going to do both M plus and raid. This Dragonflight season 1 M+ and Raid ranking is based on the higher end of play or the lower end. All these tanks are doable everything, you can do whatever you want with these tanks KSM or heroic Mythic kills. Now, we are going to rank the tanks based on their strengths, weaknesses relative to each other, power level, and how the community is going to perceive them.
Dragonflight Season 1 Mytic+ Tank Tier List
We're going to start with M plus tank rankings for World of Warcraft season 1.
S Tier
1. Protection Warrior
The first best Dragonflight M+ tank in S tier, we are going to say is Prot Warrior. They are near unkillable in almost any scenario, they have really strong defenses just in their class tree due to stuff like really often shield wall but they also have a defensive stance. It does reduce your damage by 10% but that's not that big of a deal. 20 Dr whenever you want it on anything stacking with their other cooldowns is basically a bark skin Perma which is really powerful. They basically cannot die. They also bring really good utility they have like stuns, charges, fear, battle shout, and very good AOE damage. Pro Warrior really can just do it all and is the best Dragonflight season Mythic+ tank.
2. Vengeance Demon Hunter
Vengeance is really good. It's not as tanky as Prot Warrior but it does have a lot of other benefits that Prot Warrior doesn't. It brings a lot of damage and has things that really can help you in a pack control scenario such as an 8 second silence on a 48 second cooldown with the sigil of silence. They also do a lot of damage in terms of their AOE with spirit bomb with their frailty ramps, with their fiery brand ramps and they do also have misery. They're really strong self-sustained and highly mobile. They're quite good overall.
A Tier
1. Blood Death Knight
Blood DKs are incredibly durable and have really high self-sustain as well as just like a plethora of utility. They have blinding sleet, range interrupt, scorpion's grip, death grip, and AMZ. Stuff like that is really good and makes them one of the Dragonflight season 1 best tank M+. The only thing holding them back right now is their damage which is very low and very subpar, probably along the worst of the tanks. However due to the utility and just like their survivability and self-sustain, if their damage is buffed then we very easily could see them moving up.
2. Guardian Druid
Guardian Druid is one of those tanks that you could argue is an S tier. You could swap Vengeance. However, Guardian does have a few weaknesses but its strengths are very strong. So what are those strengths? Well, inside of bear's cooldowns, it is probably one of the best Mythic+ tanks in the Dragonflight WoW. It does not need a healer for itself and for the whole party because when the wildfire awakens, wherever you spend a certain amount of rage, you just burst to heal the party which is really strong. They have some of the best AOE damage out of all the tanks especially due to their Arcane build. But in return has basically the worst single-target damage. Likewise, outside of their cooldowns, they're very weak and they have really high damage intake whenever they're not in those big cooldowns. But in their cooldowns, they are unkillable gods.
3. Protection Paladin
Prot Paladin is also an A tier. Prot Paladin has probably some of the best damage, single target, and AOE just in general and has a really strong array of utility. They have a b-res, 3% damage reduction aura, an AOE silence with the shield fairly often as well as a carrying ability. They have stuns, slows, a lot of off heals, cleanse, blessing of sacrifice, blessing protection, etc. So they're an incredibly versatile tank and their passive damage utility options really have increased a lot going into Dragonflight. However, the loss of holy power from their shield really does lead to a lot of gaps in their shield of righteousness uptime, thus really reducing the durability. They have a strong toolkit and a versatile cool toolkit enabling them to be in the A tier. But this squishiness really makes them worse than any of the other options.
B Tier
1. Brewmaster Monk
At this point, everyone knows it's the worst in the tank in the World of Warcraft Dragonflight. We don't think they're down in the C tier or D tier because their weaknesses are strong enough to really want them to be C or D which means that if they're terrible and really need to be looked at. They have really strong damage and they bring really good buffs. They have probably the best damage profile of any other tank, it's really versatile. They have a lot of single targets a lot of AOE, a lot of bursts, and a lot of sustain but they don't have a very good defensive profile. Generally, those defensives aren't as strong as some of the other tanks. They have the lowest health total in the game as well as their defensiveness being relied upon stagger coefficients.
Dragonflight Season 1 Raid Tank Tier List
Now we're going to move on to the Dragonflight season 1 tank raid rankings. This is aimed toward the higher end of things you're trying to do. But every tank can really accomplish any goal that you have set in this game. Just make sure that you play your best players at the end of the day, and have the most fun you can play what you want. This is a game after all.
S Tier
1. Protection Warrior
Protection Warriors are the strongest ones in both Dragonflight tank tier list m+ and raid. They are insane, they're essentially unkillable and they have an amazing utility, especially for raids. With rally and cry which is probably the best non-healer CD and battle shout which is a great damage-boosting thing. They have a great damage profile including a really strong execute and they're basically unkillable. Protection Warriors really can just do it all. There is not really a downside to running a Protection Warrior. Just a crazy tank right now in Dragonflight.
A Tier
1. Blood Death Knight
Blood Death Knight is probably the Dragonflight best Tanks season 1 when it comes to dealing with magic damage just do the large health pool. There are things like an anti-magic shield, strike, and all the healing they have and it’s really useful for the raid. It is incredibly strong to have Death Knights in your party and they're always very powerful. Blood Death Knight is super survivable but their main weakness is their single target damage which does hold them back.
2. Vengeance Demon Hunter
Vengeance is a very excellent all-around tank. They have excellent durability and self-healing as well as really good damage in almost any scenario and any form. They bring probably one of the strongest damage buffs in a raid which is chaos brand. However they're not really the best at either one, they're not the best offensively and they're not the best defensively, but they're very strong in both of those and bring otherwise a very good mix of utility and just power in both those situations for us to put them up in the A tier.
3. Protection Paladin
Protection Paladin is probably one of the highest single-target damage under many of the tanks as well as the ability to bring not one but two immunities in your tank slot which is really powerful for choosing tank mechanics. Those are blessings of spell warding that can go into their targets as well as just bubble, good old divine shield. If there are mechanics that can be cheesed by a tank humidity or just some form of immunity. Then a Prot Warrior’s utility is so good. They bring stuff to like really good off healing if they can throw worlds of gory around, they bring 2% Dr in devil aura which not every group will have a Holy Paladin. But those who do not will find it very useful to have. What's keeping them out of the S tier is going to be their durability. They're not very durable tanks, especially with the reduction in holy power generation from the loss of the whole power tied to avenging shield. They are much squishier than they are before.
B Tier
1. Brewmaster Monk
Brewmaster Monk is just the squishiest tank. They have the lowest health pool, a low stagger coefficient, and no good way to deal with magic damage. They have their one magic defensive, diffuse magic but outside of all that stuff, they really are really squishy to large magic intake. They do have really good damage, they have a really good damage profile and single target and cleave. You can bring a really useful raid buff in the form of mystic touch, generous poor and close to heart. They're extremely squishy right now that’s why really held them back in raids and M plus.
2. Guardian Druid
They have a very strong AOE damage and group healing in M plus content. However, this loses a ton of value in any form of single target or low cleave raid content while keeping his other weaknesses. It has arguably one of the strongest raid buffs as well as another minor utility like roar or innervates. But that is brought as well by three other specs. Bear is lacking compared to a lot of the other things, so we'll throw down the B tier.
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