WoW 10.1.5 Mythic+ Best Melee DPS - Dragonflight 10.1.5 DPS Rankings & Tier List

7/10/2023 2:55:49 PM

We’ll walk you through a WoW 10.1.5 (Season 2) DPS tier list that is ranking the best melee DPS for Dragonflight 10.1.5 Mythic plus, based on their performance, Mythic plus keys, highest keys completed on Raid as well as the recent buffs and nerfs. 

Best Melee DPS in WoW Dragonflight 10

WoW 10.1.5 Mythic+ Best Melee DPS - Dragonflight 10.1.5 DPS Rankings & Tier List

What is the best melee DPS spec to play in M+? On this WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 DPS tier list by Hosheezy Gaming, the S tier contains the best specs in the game and the A tier is awesome, might be not good as S-tier options in damage output, but B is still good, but probably with some more weakness than the above two. When it comes to the C tier, there are some clear shortcomings or issues. 

1. Subtlety Rogue - S Tier

Starting with the specializations of the Rogue class, the Subtlety Rogue is the best DPS spec in the game, you got Evasion, Shroud, and Vanish, it has strong concealment and survivability, also can quickly interrupt small monsters, which is very useful in almost every Mythic plus dungeon especially if you're pushing higher keys. They do insane good single-target damage and AOE damage, which makes them the best melee DPS spec in Dragonflight 10.1.5.

2. Enhancement Shaman - S Tier

The Enhancement Shaman is a very good spec to play in WoW 10.1.5 M+, it is probably the second-best melee DPS in the game, it is performing very well and pushing the highest keys, they get quick interrupts, Bloodlust, and AOE stun, they also have knock-ups, which is insane group healing, they have ancestral guidance for the group, a very cool tool kit for damageable single target and AOE.

3. Ret Paladin - A Tier

Retribution Paladin is going to be put above Outlaw Rogue, It is in some of the highest keys completed in the game and one of the best melee DPS. They can bring a lot to your team, especially if you do not have another Paladin, they have Blessing of Protection, Blessing of Sacrifice, good survivability with self-heals and off-healing for the group, and good defensive ability. They can do really consistent DPS even without wings, but when you have wings, they are insane with good single-target and AOE damage. 

4. Fury Warrior - A Tier

The Fury Warrior is also better than Outlaw, you got Battle Shout, which is great for physical damage comps, and you got Incapacitating Shout, Storm Bolt, and Rallying Cry, those are all great things to have especially Rallying Cry when you're pushing higher content, it's not hard to execute and pick up for new players. You've got a good self-healing defensive stance for heavy incoming damage spell effect, which can come and clutch, Fury Warrior has very good AOE damage and single target damage, which makes up for a lot of them not having as much help with the new affixes, but some of the other utilities that they don't bring compared to Sub or Ret.

5. Outlaw Rogue - A Tier

The next DPS spec is Outlaw Rogue, it is ranked in the A tier as it performs well in terms of damage, just a little bit less than Sub Rogue, but also brings the same kind of toolkit. The Outlaw Rogue also has insane control over targets and really good mobility. This spec is super fun to play, if you need the survivability or the toolkit of a Rogue, this is a good option to go with in Dragonflight 10.1.5 Mythic+. 

6. Havoc DH - A Tier

Havoc Demon Hunter is ranked near the Outlaw Rogue, they’ve gotten some recent buffs in 10.1.5 Patch, and they're really nice, you've got single targets done you've got AOE stuns with Chaos Nova and Sigil of Misery, which is really nice, they're performing good damage and good in AOE, pretty decent in signal target, it makes it more difficult especially with momentum build, there are a couple other builds you can play. Overall the Havoc DH DPS spec deserves a spot in the A tier. 

7. WW Monk - A Tier

The Windwalker Monk is for sure going to the A-tier melee DPS, it is the least played class in the game, but it brings so much. You’ll have Ring Of Peace, Leg Sweep, and Paralysis, they can help with the afflicted. They also have insane mobility, good survivability with Fortifying Brew, which is getting buffed, Touch of Karma, and Diffuse Magic, they're doing better in single Target than they were. They are powerful in AOE and fun to play.

8. Survival Hunter - B Tier

Survival Hunter is probably the highest B-tier spec, it is completing much higher keys than the other two specializations, damage-wise, the AOE is cracked, they bring Bloodlust which is really nice, and they don't have great survivability, but they have such a long cooldown on the big CD and good group utility. A great mix between melee and range, if you want to try it, now is a good time to do it. 

9. Feral Druid - B Tier

Feral Druid is after the Survival Hunter, it brings Mark of the Wild, which is a great buff to have for both Raid and M+. With this spec, you got quick interrupts you've got fantastic mobility, and very insane AOE damage, they got buffed a little bit recently, it is a solid B spec and really fun, they got decent survivability against survival instincts and they're great for the new affixes for afflicted entangling and incorporeal.

10. Arms Warrior - B Tier

Moving on to Arms Warrior, it should be in the B tier, it is still good, but if you look at the highest keys completed, Fury is better than Arms. It gets the same toolkit as the other Warrior spec, you could play either one, but if you are only doing plus 20s, plus 21s or higher, Arms is a little bit harder to play. One of their issues is their skill tree, most of their builds are just good for a single target.

11. Frost DK - B Tier

The Frost Death Knight is ranked in the B tier with Arms, they are strong in terms of a single target in Raid fights, but in Mythic+, they are not that good, but still solid. They have good AOE damage, and solid single target damage, as a DK you're bringing the same toolkit, such as Death Grip, Abomination Limb, Anti-Magic Shell, which is really nice for knockbacks, and Death Strike for self-healing, you're very sturdy melee DPS.

12. Assassination Rogue - C Tier

The Assassination Rogue is put in the C tier, as it has the same toolkit as the other Rogues, but not performing well in damage. If you play this at a lower level, it doesn't matter, you can play it but is harder to get into groups, and compared to other Rogue specs, Assassination is struggling in terms of damage, it is not recommended to play if you want to push really high in Mythic plus.


13. Unholy DK - C Tier

Unholy Death Knight is better than Assassination, but not by a lot. Rogue itself just has such a good toolkit overall, but if you're playing a Rogue, you're probably going to be playing Outlaw or Sub, which brings down the value for assassination, it's so much lower than these other two specializations for damage.