Diablo 4 Season 1 Best Leveling Builds for Each Class | D4 S1 Build Tier List

7/17/2023 2:05:45 PM

Season 1 is fast approaching for Diablo 4 and the big question on everyone's mind is quite simple: which class should I pick up for Season 1 and what is the best build to play for leveling up fast at the start of Season of the Malignant? So in the post, we are going to dive into the best Season 1 leveling builds for each class!

D4 Season 1 Best Class & Build To Play

D4 Season 1 Best Build To Play For Each Class

Which class will you choose for the upcoming season? We've been having intense debates about this because it's a challenging decision. In this guide, we'll present the reasons to consider playing each class and highlight the enjoyable aspects of each one. Our aim is to assist those who are uncertain about their class selection, and perhaps our insights will sway you toward a particular choice.

1. Twisting Blades Rogue (S Tier)

This is one of the best builds currently available in Diablo 4 now. You focus on heavily buffing your buzzsaw blades, plunge your daggers into an enemy, and then move away to kill multiple enemies simultaneously on your return. It plays out like a nimble assassin. This build is suitable for both solo play and group gameplay.

2. Whirlwind Barbarian Build (A Tier)

Whirlwind has been one of the most popular and powerful builds in Diablo since ancient times. With this build, you'll tear through enemies as a steel tornado and even heal yourself in the process. It's perfect for all types of content and remains strong even after significant nerfs. This build is suitable for both solo play and group activities.

3. Bone Spear Necromancer Build

Here, you'll find a Bone Spear build for the Necromancer in Diablo 4 that doesn't rely on skeletons and golems. We have completed the campaign twice with the Necromancer and have experimented a lot. After spending countless hours with the skeletons, I must say, give a try to a build centered around the "Bone Spear" as the core skill. The Necromancer is not limited to just summoning abilities!

4. Ice Shards Sorcerer Build

If you prefer long-range combat, this build allows you to unleash a barrage of ice projectiles at enemies from a distance. It is particularly effective against individual targets. This build is suitable for both solo play and group situations.

5. Tornado Druid Build

For this build, you need almost only one button. As a summoner, you call tornadoes that destroy your opponents and use buffs to make you and your companions stronger. Strong for solo and groups. This druid build is a combination of the Tornado ability and the Werewolf abilities. The storm-chasing aspect makes your tornadoes a targeted source of damage. The unique Storm Roar Headguard turns your storm skills into werewolf skills as well. As a result, your storm skills benefit from the buffs of the werewolf skills. This build is fairly simple and lets you complete nightmare dungeons and other endgame content with little effort.