Classic WoW Best Hardcore Classes (Solo & Group) - Classic Hardcore Class Picking Guide 2023

8/5/2023 6:50:16 PM

The hardcore challenge has taken vanilla World of Warcraft by storm over the past few months. With official servers now well on their way, we put together a Classic WoW hardcore class picking guide 2023, we’re going into detail about how each class performs during this challenge. We hope you can find the best Classic Hardcore class and some of the information here is useful for your hardcore journey!


Classic WoW Hardcore Class Picking Guide - Best Hardcore Classes For Solo & Group In Classic

In Classic WoW, each class has its strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different roles and playstyles. In our WoW Classic hardcore class picking guide 2023, we cover all classes in the game and will aim to break down their strengths and weaknesses as well as include tips to help you on your Hardcore Journey. It's essential to choose the best Classic WoW hardcore class that aligns with your preferred gameplay approach and fits well with the needs of your group or raid composition. Next, we break down the best Classic hardcore classes 2023 for solo and group!


1. Hunter

Hunter is often seen as one of the most capable soloing classes in the game with a toolkit of CC, consistent damage, and a pet to ensure that you can sit comfortably 30 yards away from danger, firing your bow. It's also often the case that people recommend Hunter as a good class for newer players in general to World of Warcraft, just because they play so smoothly and safely. Yet whilst Hunter is easy to pick up, it's the single higher skill cap class in the game. With a pet control tons of mechanics, you won't find in any other class in the game, and the habits of making the player perhaps a little too confident going into dangerous situations. 

Coming in fresh to hardcore, it's hard to not recommend having the Hunter near the top of the best Classic WoW hardcore class list and it's the combination of having a very capable pet tank alongside a huge auto attack range that really makes the Hunter a very safe cluster level if you are taking things slow. But this class has a ton of unique mechanics that you need to be aware of. We should talk about your pet too in Classic. It's not a mindless beast that you can just have exist next to you and forget about it. Your pet needs to be actively worked on just as much as your character does.

Hunter definitely a class that can be great for all players whether you're just starting Classic Hardcore or you've been giving it a go for a while now. It's in that unique place of both being super accessible and also having a really high skill cap to play optimally. If you decide to go with a Hunter, you will not regret it.


2. Shaman

Vanilla World of Warcraft was the only time when we had faction-specific classes and it was such a huge thematic draw for players making that ever-important decision of Alliance versus Horde whilst the alliance received a light-wielding Warriors in the Paladin. The hordes got powerful Elemental casters and spiritual leaders in the Shaman. Is the Shaman a good pick for a player taking on the hardcore challenge? Is this class new player friendly? The best way to put it is that they start out as one of the most powerful classes in the game during the early levels and then they fall off quite hard during the later parts of your leveling journey. 

As per the Deathlog add-on which tracks deaths in hardcore to put out data, the Shaman shows some really interesting stats. First of all, they are the least played class which is not surprising considering their faction specific. But the Shaman does so well in early games, they have the best chance of hitting level 10 by an absolute mile with about 72.6% of players making it to that benchmark. The next class in order is the mage and they're around 65% Gemeniel also has the highest average level of 14.6. 

Meaning Shaman players are getting furthest in the hardcore challenge before making some fatal error, but you can see its levels progress, and things start to go downhill. By level 20 their stats have become a lot more middle of the pack and by level 30, they are well below average. They are new player friendly if they have the highest average level possible. But they're also more likely than most to fail the challenge during the latter parts of the game. Shaman in Hardcore WoW is a class that proves very versatile across different roles also are super strong but fall off a little towards the late game.


3. Druid

Whether you want to tank, heal, ranged, or melee DPS, this class was designed to be able to fill any role within World of Warcraft. A true class for the person who likes to keep their options open when it comes to how they play the game. Whilst during the end game, Druids tend to be pigeonholed into a healer role or feral to a lesser extent. During the leveling journey, there is a ton more flexibility. You really get to mix and match Druid's talents, abilities, and gearing options the match what fits you the best. The Druid is a solid pick for somebody beginning in hardcore WoW but does have quite a unique learning curve to it. 

In later versions of World of Warcraft where leveling is a lot more straightforward, then you get access to your forms at a low level, the Druid is super strong. Classic doesn't quite work out like this. Druid has three phases before you get bear form before you get cat form, and after you get cat form. Each one is a milestone that will significantly change how you play the game. They have a versatile toolkit with mobility, tankiness, and heals, making for a powerful leveler and a very self-sufficient class. Moreover, Druid can do solo and they're pretty good at it. Druid should be a flexible pick with tons of options for your hardcore journey in WoW.


4. Rogue

Rogue is a class known for their versatility in World of Warcraft, whether it's consistent damage and cleve during endgame or burst and CC in PvP, the Rogue's extensive toolkits of tricks lend themselves well to many areas of content. When it comes to leveling, this class also does fairly well. They are a bit of a slow starter during those early and most dangerous levels. So if you’re thinking is Rogue going to be a good pick for Hardcore Classic, the answer is somewhere in the middle of the pack. 

Most people die around level 12 to 14 in hardcore WoW by that level you have gouge evasion and sprint which are good but it's just surprising how fast things can go south when you're playing a class with no built-in self-healing. If you've been a long-term Rogue player, you'll have gotten used to the fact that you need to take things a bit slower during the start of the game whereas later on you can be a little more free to use your cooldowns and keep moving forwards. The Rogue is a class known for not playing fair and your quests will pull that trick back on you quite a few times over if you fail to follow directions properly. 

Rogue is relatively new player friendly but definitely not the easiest. This class is a little more tricky than it appears to get to 60 at first glance with the early levels being deceptively dangerous. Once you start to learn your core abilities though the Rogue really turns into a powerhouse class in both solo and group content. Overall if you're looking for a pure melee class in Classic hardcore, Rogue is a good mix of accessibility while still offering some level of challenge.


5. Priest

Priest is a class that channels the light to heal allies and shadow to harm enemies. Though in Classic, Priests were often seen as primary healers during the end game. The much more leveling-focused hardcore allows you to flex into the DPS role as a shadow. Priests also have a number of unique class mechanics to them through race-specific spells. In hardcore WoW, Priest is genuinely one of if not the most new player-friendly class in the game when it comes to approaching the hardcore challenge. 

Priest is very low on the percentage of total deaths only being beaten out by a faction-specific class in Shaman. Priest is for sure an absolute beast of a class for the hardcore challenge. When it comes to playing solo, the Priest is probably one of the most efficient classes in the game that has a Mana bar. In Classic hardcore, Priest is a class that has a lot of flavors, race-specific spells, and statistically, a class that will outperform most people's expectations. 

During the endgame, Priest is always a very sought-after class though. Definitely leaning towards more of a healer play style than Shadow. But for the leveling portion of the game, Priests are both a highly efficient and flexible class. Priest may not be the most obvious first choice but they are quite a good starting point for the hardcore challenge.


6. Warlock

With a mix of unique utility, damage over time spells, and a demon to help leveling, the Warlock is a class that offers a surprising amount of supportive tools given their reputation of mainly being a damage dealer. In hardcore Classic WoW, you would expect a Warlock being a pet class to be quite a new player friendly. However, somewhat counter-intuitively, they are not as safe as people make them out to be. One of the largest reasons for that is how you deal damage and how your demon generates the rat. Warlocks also have the class fantasy of trading something for power. 

One of the ways you can overdo this is via life tap. Since Warlock spells are quite costly, you're going to be using this ability a lot. Sometimes too often in the face of danger when instead, you should be wanding and preserving your health a little more. However, as a newer player, this class is trickier than you would expect it to be. Overall, the Warlock in Hardcore WoW is definitely a class that is proving to be more of a challenge to level than you would have expected it to be. But one that can bring so much utility and has a truly unique way to level through tanking.


7. Mage

Mages in Vanilla are probably the most overpowered class in the entire game. They're the best caster DPS end game, have incredible toolkits of burst and CC in PvP, and are unquestionably the strongest AOE damage dealer, and free portals, and teleports to get around the world. They're pretty good at leveling too. They are perhaps the only class in the game that has a totally unique way to level that nobody else can replicate. For a player starting off in hardcore, Mage isn’t the safest class in the game. If Mages have two weaknesses it's their incredibly low base health and the existence of a Mana bar. 

Mages also have some of the best defensive spells in the entire game particularly when you're specializing into the frost tree. If you want to play a pure damage-dealing range character in Classic, Mages is kind of hard to go wrong with though. In terms of solo play, Mage is simply amazing. Whilst they don't have the self-healing or tankiness of other classes, they can just kite anything that can be slowed and rooted indefinitely. Whether you're frost bolting from far away and keeping mobs at Arm's Reach or just trying to AOE down several mobs at once, the Mage makes for a very efficient solo leveling machine. 

The same goes for taking on elites or tougher quest mobs in general. Mage really is a class where you can push the limits of what is possible within the game or just play pretty safe and sound. However do watch your health and Mana bars more so than other classes, it's not so many mistakes that get Mages killed, it's just overestimating how powerful you actually are. Whether you're solo or looking to group up more, the Mage in Vanilla is truly a class that shines in all aspects of the game from PvP, raiding, hardcore, and leveling.


8. Warrior

Despite the Warriors having a legacy of being god-tier at 10-game, the leveling journey turns that experience entirely on its head. With a general lack of get-out-of-jail-free cards and CC, sub-optimal gearing choices and a rage bar that is just never full of worry a life from 1 to 60 ain't easy. Warrior is not new player friendly at all. Most deaths for players in hardcore well tend to occur around the level that's when you come out of your start zones and go into the early game leveling hubs. Starter zone mobs are very nice to you, they're sometimes neutral, meaning they don't attack on-site and they run slow enough for you to get away without having to do anything special. 

Once you're past these zones, you don't get that special treatment anymore. If Warrior is your first pick in hardcore, you're definitely going in at the deep end and you really need to learn the value of taking things slow, keeping your health bar high between poles and not underestimating just how fast things can go wrong. How does the Warrior perform solo then? Not terribly well. This class is very reliant on other people supporting it as well as gearing up heavily. Once you start to get past those early levels and into 30 and beyond, the class really does start to pick up, and landing a good rare weapon early on, and perhaps finding the occasional world buff or two are both very big deals. 

If you played Warrior during Classic, you'll remember how insane they get to the end game. If you can ever get a chance while leveling to try out world boss and a rare weapon against green mobs, it'll be like a little reminder of what they used to be like. Either way, the Warrior is always in demand at level cap, so if you plan to go the distance or just see if you can, the Warrior is a tough but rewarding class to play on Hardcore.


9. Paladin

Does the Paladin make for a good starting point in hardcore WoW? Yes, they are arguably the most safe melee class in the game. Whilst others have to deal with leather armor or no self-healing, the Paladin gets the best of every world with the ability to equip the heaviest armor types and a ton of not only healing but extremely strong defensive abilities from an early level. The Paladin though is also notorious for one thing in Classic and that's being kind of simple to play. The only real weakness is getting spell locked on holy. 

Because everything you do apart from swinging, your weapon is a holy spell and there's no worse feeling than losing a hardcore Paladin when you have multiple different ways to survive. They are a very capable class with a clear weakness being that they're strictly melee to deal any form of damage outside of exorcism and hammer of wrath. The Paladin lands themselves well in both solo and group situations and can fully explore their entire toolkit during leveling, rather than just being seen as a healer. If you want a class that's safe and pretty chill to play, the Paladin has to be a strong contender.