WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Guardians of the Dream Release Date, Season 3 Pre Guide

10/17/2023 10:30:03 AM

10.2's official release date has been announced for November 7th! Let's find out what's available in the pre-season and the start of season 3!


Season 3 Guardians of the Dream Pre Guide

In addition to all of that, the patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream release date brings a number of new features, including:

November 7

1. New Outdoor Zone: The Emerald Dream

2. New faction and rewards - The Dream Wardens

3. Dragonriding updates - New races, mounts, and more

4. Character customizations for Blood Elves and Druids

5. New public event - Superbloom, Emerald Frenzy, and Emerald Bounty

It's going to give some good gear, the veteran gear that you're going to get from this patch even during the preseason should be very powerful.

November 14

1. New Raid and Legendary - Amirdrassil, The Dream’s Hope

2. New Class tier sets with unique bonuses and appearances

3. New PVP brawl - Battleground Blitz

4. New M+ Rotation:

Galakrond’s Fall

Murozond’s Rise,

Waycrest Manor, Battle for Azeroth

 Atal’Dazar, Battle for Azeroth

Darkheart Thicket, Legion

Blackrook Hold, Legion

Throne of the Tides, Cataclysm

The Everbloom, Warlords of Draenor