D2R Uber Tier List: Top 10 Best Builds For Uber Boss in Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 5
Here we update the Diablo 2 Resurrected Uber Tier List for Ladder Season 5 that ranks the best builds for killing Uber Bosses easiest and fastest in the game now!
D2R Uber Tier List: Best Builds For Uber Boss in Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 5
The Uber Bosses represent the pinnacle PvE challenge in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Defeating all 3 Uber Bosses - Uber Tristram, Uber Diablo, and Uber Baal - requires carefully optimized high-end builds with nearly perfect gear. With the start of Season 5, many players will be setting their sights on taking down these feared bosses. This guide will explore the most effective character builds and strategies for succeeding against the Ubers in the current season.
Before tackling the Ubers directly, your character will need to be at or very close to level 99 with maximum resists and vital stats like health, mana, and damage. You'll also need Annihilus, Holy Grail, and Tormentor Keys to access the Uber portals. Several weeks of dedicated play at Hell difficulty will be required to achieve this level of preparation.
When ready to attempt the Ubers, your main strategic focus will be on maximizing damage output while maintaining maximum resistances of 75% or higher. Breakpoints for faster hit recovery and block rates are also very important. Player skill and concentration will be tested as well - one small mistake can mean death against these foes. With the right build and gear, however, any class can take down the Uber Trio. Here are some top choices:
Top 1 - Smite Paladin
Often overlooked but tremendously powerful, the Smite Paladin can shred through Ubers with maxed-out Holy Damage skills. Max Smite along with its synergies Holy Shock and Holy Fire for insane single-target DPS against bosses and Uniques. Then focus on maxing vitality, boosting resistances, and increasing attack rating through Blessing, Concentration, and appropriate gear choices like Captain's Crystal Sword/Hoz combos or Dracul's Grasp. With near-perfect gear, a Smite Paladin can face tank Ubers and demolish them in seconds due to the massive amplified Holy Damage. Their sustainability from Heal and Vigor also helps withstand boss attacks better than other melee builds. While demanding top-tier gear, a skilled Smite Paladin stands alongside Hammerdins as one of the most efficient Paladin builds for quickly destroying Ubers in melee range through raw Holy burst damage.
Top 2 - Lightning Strike Amazon
With maxed Lightning Fury and its synergies of Lightning Strike and Power Strike, an Amazon can put out massive lightning damage at range against Uber bosses. Key gear includes Infinity runeword polearm for Conviction aura and -lightning res debuffs, Immediate/Griffon's Eye helms for skills/lightning damage, Titan's Revenge for extra fury procs, and dual Wizspikes for attack speed and damage bonuses. When played skillfully, the Amazon can kite and stun-lock bosses with constant rapid lightning strikes from range, avoiding many threats. Her pierce mechanic helps concentrate attacks, and decoy Mercenary further aids in positioning. While lower overall defense requires precise play, a max lightning Amazon offers huge ranged DPS output on par with Sorceresses against uber foes through her lightning mastery build focused on rapidly striking down oppponents from a distance.
Top 3 - Dragon Talon Assassin
Dragon Talon Assassin is the best Assassin build for killing the Uber Bosses, due to the fast kick speed applying frequent Crushing Blow hits. Fast kick speed from Dragon Talon allows for frequent application of Crushing Blow hits. The Uber Bosses have high health pools, so constant Crushing Blow procs help chip away life quickly. Dual-wielding Mosaic runewords, introduced in Patch 2.6, allow for permanent uptime on damage boosts from Tiger Strike charges and life/mana leech from Cobra Strike charges. This significantly increases sustained damage and survivability. Martial Arts skills such as Dragon Talon and Tiger Strike scale well with maxed-out skills, synergies, and gear bonuses. The guide focuses on maximizing these damage outputs. Mechanics like pierce from kicks concentrate damage on single targets like Uber Bosses. Fade skill and resist gear also allow for good survivability at melee range. An Act 3 mercenary's Enchant aura substantially boosts critical strike chance for more effective damage and faster boss kills.
Top 4 - Lightning Fury Amazon
The Lightning Fury Amazon is effective against Uber Bosses. Charged Strike provides high single-target lightning damage output suitable for taking down bosses quickly. It can "shotgun" multiple bolts onto a target for concentrated damage. Gear like Thunderstroke, Griffon's Eye, Jeweler's Monarch focuses on stacking -% lightning resistance and +skills to maximize Charged Strike damage against bosses. Infinity runeword on a Might mercenary provides -85% enemy lightning resist through its Conviction aura, further boosting damage against bosses. Crack of the Heavens runeword breaks Uber Mephisto's inherent lightning immunity, allowing the Amazon to deal full damage.
Top 5 - Phoenix Strike Assassin
The Phoenix Strike Assassin is considered one of the best builds for killing Uber bosses. Phoenix Strike provides access to multiple damage elements (fire, lighting, cold, physical) through its charges. This allows the build to deal effective damage against any boss, avoiding immunities. Skills like Claws of Thunder and Fists of Fire provide significant additional elemental damage output through their charges. When combined with Phoenix Strike via a finisher move, this results in massive damage. Gear like Griffon's Eye, Arachnid Mesh and dual Mosaic runewords maximize critical skills and synergies to amplify Phoenix Strike and charge damage potentials. An Act 2 mercenary with Infinity lowers all enemy elemental resistances substantially, further boosting overall DPS against bosses.
Top 6 - Zeal (Physical) Paladin
Zealer Paladin deals exclusively physical damage through Fanaticism-empowered Zeal attacks. Unlike elemental builds, physical damage avoids almost all immunity issues with Uber bosses. Zeal Paladin can opt to use Bone Break runeword to further reduce any potential immunity, ensuring maximum damage output against all Uber bosses. He also has gearing flexibility through specialty setups tailored for different situations like Uber fights. This allows optimizing defenses and resistances. Combat playstyle revolves around rapidly hacking enemies, keeping up constant physical damage pressure against bosses through fast strikes. Skills like Blessing, Conviction and Holy Shield maximize overall damage output and survivability against bosses' powerful attacks. Fanaticism aura from Diablo 2 items like Grief grants a massive attack speed bonus, enabling frequent critical hits and chance to proc abilities like Open Wounds.
Top 7 - Fire Ball Meteor Sorceress
The Meteor Sorceress is one of the most common ways to kill the Uber Bosses as a Sorceress in Diablo 2 Resurrected. This build focuses on having as much Damage Reduction as possible while over stacking Resistance for Mephisto's level 20 Conviction and a large Life pool. Important gear includes Stormshield for damage reduction, Marrowwalk for the Level 15 Bone Prison charges, and rare rings with dual resistances. The Mercenary provides Crushing Blow from Infinity to quickly take down the bosses. Overall, the combination of high resistances, life pool, and crowd control from Bone Prison allows the Meteor Sorceress to reliably take down the Uber Bosses.
Top 8 - Dream Paladin
The Dream Paladin is one of the best builds for defeating the Uber Bosses in Diablo 2 Resurrected due to its incredibly high single target DPS and ability to negate Uber Mephisto's Conviction Aura. With the Level 30 Holy Shock Aura from Dream helmet and shield, along with high Crushing Blow from gear like Goblin Toe boots, the Dream Paladin melts the Uber Bosses quickly. Thundergod's Vigor and stacked Lightning Resistance allows the build to tank Uber Mephisto's Conviction Aura damage. The Mercenary equipped with The Reaper's Toll constantly applies Decrepify to slow the bosses and increase your physical damage against them. Overall, the combination of high DPS, crowd control, and lightning resistance makes the Dream Paladin excel at farming Uber Tristram.
Top 9 - Frenzy Barbarian
The Frenzy Barbarian is one of the best builds for defeating the Uber Bosses in Diablo 2 Resurrected due to its ability to stack high physical damage and damage reduction. By using Frenzy to generate attack speed stacks and then swinging with Double Strike, the Frenzy Barb builds can melt even the tankiest bosses. Equipping items like Crown of Ages, Wisp Projector, and Thundergod's Vigor allows the build to mitigate enemy damage while maintaining its own DPS. Dracul's Grasp adds Life Tap charges for sustainability. With high damage, crowd control from Grim Ward, and damage reduction, the Frenzy Barb excels at farming Uber Tristram.
Top 10 - Lightning Sorceress
The Lightning Sorceress is one of the best builds for defeating the Uber Bosses in Diablo 2 Resurrected due to its ability to consistently apply high lightning damage. By teleporting directly on top of the bosses and spamming Charged Bolt, the Lightning Sorc can "shotgun" them to quickly melt their health. Equipping Thundergod's Vigor and stacking lightning resistance allows her to tank Uber Mephisto's Conviction Aura damage. Lower Resist charges combined with Infinity on the mercenary enable the Lightning Sorc to penetrate resistances on all bosses. Her high mobility also allows efficient repositioning during the fights. Overall, the combination of high single target DPS, resistance piercing, crowd control, and mobility make the Lightning Sorceress excel at farming Uber Tristram.
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