Top 3 Diablo 4 Best Builds For Abattoir Of Zir Event - D4 Abattoir Of Zir Build Guide
Abattoir of Zir event is fast approaching Diablo 4, are you ready for all tiers of the Abattoir of Zir event? Read our Diablo 4 Abattoir of Zir event build guide, we bring you the top 3 best builds and weapons for Season 2.
Diablo 4 Abattoir Of Zir Event Build Guide - Top 3 Best Builds For Abattoir Of Zir In D4
The Abattoir of Zir is a new endgame activity in Diablo 4, released on December 5, 2023. It is a challenging 150-level dungeon that is designed to test the skills of the most experienced players. The dungeon is filled with powerful enemies and deadly traps, and it will take a well-coordinated team of players to defeat them all. As the challenge approaches, we've curated the top 3 best Diablo IV Abattoir of Zir event builds that will pave the way for success across all tiers of this formidable event.We'll talk about the stats, setups and skill trees for each D4 best Season 2 Abattoir of Zir build.
No.1 D4 Best Necromancer Build For Abattoir of Zir
The wand is the best in-slot weapon for Bone Spear Necromancer. Shako is a trap and you should not be using it on this build. At last, you actually can build a perfectly tanky Bone Spear Necromancer and this build is going to perform incredibly well in the Abattoir of Zir.
Bone Spear Necro Stats
Strength - 100
Dexterity - 254
Intelligence - 449
Willpower - 472
Bone Spear Necro Gear
Helm: Runic Skullcap of Disobedience
Armor: Runic Mail of Shielding Storm
Gloves: Runic Gloves of Grasping Veins
Pants: Tibault’s Will
Boots: Ghostwalker Runic Cleats
Wand: Bone Wand of Serration
Amulet: Splintering Amulet
Ring: Band of Exposed Flesh
Ring: Ring of Sacrilegious Soul
Shield: Lidless Wall
Bone Spear Necro Books of the Dead
Skeletal Warriors - Skirmishers (3)
Skeletal Mages - Cold (3)
Golems - Iron (3)
Bone Spear Necro Skill Trees
Basic Skills - 1 Bone Splinters (Enhanced, Acolyte’s)
Core Skills - 9 Bone Spear (Enhanced, Paranormal), 3 Imperfectly Balanced, 3 Unliving Energy, 2 Hewed Flesh
Corpse Skills - 3 Grim Harvest, 3 Fueled by Death
Curse Skills - 1 Decrepify (Enhanced, Abhorrent), 3 Amplify Damage, 3 Death’s Reach
Corpse Skills - 4 Corpse Tendrils (Enhanced, Plagued), 3 Serration, 3 Rapid Ossification, 6 Evulsion, 3 Compound Fracture
Ultimate Skills - Bone Storm (Prime, Supreme), 3 Stand Alone, 3 Memento Mori
Key Passive - Ossified Essence
No.2 D4 Best Barbarian Build for Abattoir of Zir
This immortal low life Barbarian is tanky enough for all tiers of the new endgame content. This Immortal Bob doesn't need damage reduction to be immortal and it still does good damage. With the combination of various defensive skills, gear, and the unique mechanics of the Melted Heart of Selig amulet, you've created a build that seems very difficult to kill.
Immortal Barb Stats
Strength - 637
Dexterity - 384
Intelligence - 274
Willpower - 462
Immortal Barb Gear
Helm: Harlequin Crest
Armor: Aspect of Disobedience
Gloves: Relentless Berserker's Aspect
Pants: Iron Blood Aspect
Boots: Ghostwalker Aspect
Weapon: Aspect of Limitless Rage
Dual-wield Weapon: Aspect of Ancestral Force
Amulet: Melted Heart of Selig
Ring: Bold Chieftain's Aspect
Ring: Aspect of Echoing Fury
Slash Weapon: The Grandfather
Dual-wield Weapon 2: Edgemaster's Aspect
Immortal Barb Skill Trees
Basic Skills - 1 Frenzy (Enhanced)
Core Skills - 5 Hammer of the Ancients (Enhanced, Furious)
Defensive Skills - 1 Rallying Cry (Enhanced, Tactical), 1 Iron Skin (Enhanced), 1 Challenging Shout (Enhanced, Tactical), 3 Imposing Presence, 3 Martial Vigor, 1 Outburst, 1 Tough as Nails
Brawling Skills - 1 War Cry (Enhanced, Power), 3 Booming Voice, 1 Swiftness, 3 Aggressive Resistance, 3 Prolific Fury
Weapon Mastery Skills - 3 Pit Fighter, 1 Thick Skin, 3 Defensive Stance, 3 Counteroffensive
Ultimate Skills - 1 Wrath of the Berserker (Prime, Supreme), 3 Wallop, 3 Brute Force
Key Passive - Unbridled Rage
No.3 D4 Best Sorcerer Build For Abattoir of Zir
Ball Lightning Sorcerer build has no problems taking down Abattoir of Zir. Incorporating Frozen Orb and Lightning Spear for added versatility and damage. The inclusion of Frozen Orb to replace Ice Blades and the reasoning behind it makes sense, especially with the benefit of proccing cold damage for Tal Rasha's unique ring and the Oculus.
Ball Lightning Sorc Stats
Strength - 294
Dexterity - 435
Intelligence - 667
Willpower - 412
Ball Lightning Sorc Gear
Helm: Aspect of Might
Armor: Raiment of the Infinite
Gloves: Fists of Fate
Pants: Tibault's Will
Boots: Esu's Heirloom
Weapon: The Oculus
Amulet: Aspect of Disobedience
Ring: Gravitational Aspect
Ring: Tal Rasha's Iridescent Loop
Offhand Weapon: Storm Swell Aspect
Ball Lightning Sorc Skill Trees
Basic Skills - 1 Arc Lash (Enhanced, Glinting), 1 Fire Bolt
Core Skills - 1 Frozen Orb, 1 Devastation, 3 Elemental Dominance, 3 Potent Warding
Defensive Skills - 1 Flame Shield, 1 Teleport (Enhanced, Shimmering), 1 Ice Armor (Enhanced, Mystical), 1 Elemental Attunement, 3 Glass Cannon
Conjuration Skills - 2 Precision Magic, 3 Conjuration Mastery, 1 Align the Elements, 3 Mana Shield, 3 Protection
Mastery Skills - 5 Ball Lightning (Enhanced, Wizard’s), 1 Inner Flames, 3 Devouring Blaze, 1 Static Discharge, 3 Invigorating Conduit
Ultimate Skills - 1 Unstable Currents (Prime, Supreme), 1 Coursing Currents, 3 Electrocution
Key Passive - Overflowing Energy
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