WoW SoD What to Do at Max Level - 9 Things to Do at Level 25 in Season of Discovery

12/11/2023 2:51:51 PM

Season of Discovery is here and it's been a really good time, and today we're going to talk about all of the things you can do at max level (25) on Season of Discovery WoW Classic. 

WoW SoD What to Do at Max Level - 10 Things to Do at Level 25 in Season of Discovery 

Level 25 is the max level of season and Discovery and because this has not been the max level before, it's kind of a little bit interesting on what you can and can't do at level 25. So there are 9 things you could do at max level in Season of Discovery.

1. Find Class Runes

Runes are a new system in Season of Discovery which enhances your character. These are found all around the world and each class has a bunch of unique runes which have some really interesting unlocks. Some of these require groups, some of them you can do on your own, and some of them you just stumble upon while leveling. 

2. Obtain Pre-Raid BIS 

The other thing you can do is farm pre- raid and best in slot gear. So you're going to get some pre-raid gear, so pre-raid is going to be the best gear you can wear without going into the raid, but essentially this is going to come from dungeons and quests and things like that. You can look this up online, just type in your class or spec and then bis list and it will come up with a list of items which you can go out and try and find. You don't have to do it obviously, the changes are minor at level 25, but if you want to do that as an activity, you definitely can do that. You can use the add-on Atlas Loop for this, it's for making bis list, you can just right click the icon on the mini map, this brings up a list feature, you can create lists through this. So if you get the item IDs of your BIS, you can just throw those in and it adds it to the tool tip saying whether an item is an item that you added to that list.

3. Farm Gold

Another thing you can do is farm gold, so if you want to go out and farm gold, this is probably going to be the best time for it. The next phase of Season of Discovery is going to be level 40, so you're going to want some gold for your mount. This could be done by a variety of different ways, you can work at the auction house, you can go out farming, you can use your professions. And one of the main things people are doing right now is completing max level quests, they are rewarding to 2 gold for completing these quests. Obviously, you need to find a balance cuz if you go out and complete all of these quests, you won't have any quests for the next section of leveling. However you can just jump into dungeons or grind it if you want to. So probably right now the best way to gain gold is going to be doing those max level quests or find a really good thing to buy and sell on the auction house to make a ton of gold, but making gold is definitely going to be one thing you're going to be want to be doing at level 25.

4. Dungeons

Another thing you can do at level 25 is farm dungeons. There are a variety of different dungeons which are going to be available for you at level 25 starting from level 17. So you have the Wailing Caverns, you have the Deadmines, you have Shadowfang Keep, the Stockades, and if you really want to push it, you can do razor and crawl which is going to be your highest dungeon you can do. A lot of the gear in there probably won't be good for you though, but you can jump into there. These dungeons do varant difficulty being level 25, but all of the listed dungeons do give you some gear which is going to be on your bis list. 

5. Blackfathom Deeps Raid

Season of Discovery brings in a custom raid, this is replacing the black fathom deeps dungeon and has turned it into a 10man raid. This drops a bunch of new custom gear at level 25. You're going to need a bit of pre- raid bis for this as it is a 10-man raid with all the different raid mechanics and things you'd expect from a vanilla wow raid. Blackfathom deeps is a custom level 25 raid in Season of Discovery.

6. PvP & Battlegrounds

Another thing you can do at level 25 is PVP. So right now on Season of Discovery, the highest rank you can reach in PvP is rank 3. The only Battleground available as well is Warsong gold, so if you just exclusively want to do Battlegrounds, the only one you can do is Warsong right now.

7. Battle for Ashenvale

The next custom thing in Season of Discovery is the Battle for Ashenvale. So this is a new world PVP zone, if converted Ashenvale into a world PVP zone, you can still go there and do your regular quests. But every now and then, there will be a world PVP event happening. The way that this battle begins is that there are percentages, once those percentages get to 100%, the battle will begin. To increase that percentage, all players have to do is kill creatures and players in the area, then it'll eventually fill up, it fills up quick, it's pretty much like every hour or so this battle will happen. So once the battle begins, you'll notice that there are a couple bases on the map for the Horde and the Alliance. The goal for the Horde Alliance is to kill the 3 lieutenants, once those 3 lieutenants are killed, you have to kill the boss and that will be the end of the battle. Doing this event you will get reputation for the Silverwing Sentinels for the Alliance and the Warsong Outriders for the Horde. There are some new rewards which have been added for Season of Discovery, so you will actually get an exclusive mount.

8. Reputation

One thing you can do at level 25 is max out reputations. Now with the cities, if you max these out, they will give you access to the mounts at level 40. However, there are some new reputations in Season of Discovery, so there's 2 new reputations, one for the alliance and one for the horde. So for the alliance you have the Azeroth Commerce Authority and the Horde you have the Durotar Supply and Logistics. These are the same reputation essentially with the same way of leveling them up. So while playing out in the worlds, you'll see these random boxes dropping from NPCs. Once you obtain these boxes, you want to go to a main city and hand them into a new NPC which is normally located near the auction house. Doing so will give you reputation with your respective faction and this is a very slow grind, but it's essentially that's how you're going to do it. Annoyingly, you can't hold more than one of these boxes at a time, but you can fill them with the item required which will give you even more reputation. So some of them will have make some leather working items and you can fill that and that will give you more rep with this faction.

9. Professions

Another thing definitely worth doing at level 25 in SoD are professions. So professions are available in vanilla wow you have Gathering professions crafting professions and secondary professions, it is definitely worth maxing those out at level 25, the current Max is 150 skills so it's really not too bad at all, a lot of your B items will come from crafting if that's something you want to do and you can make gold through Gathering professions and having first aid and cooking and stuff will always help your character out. So professions are definitely one thing, you should probably focus on as soon as you hit 25 if you haven't been doing it already while leveling.