Season of Discovery Phase 2 DPS Tier List - Best DPS Class & Specs Ranking for WoW SoD Phase 2

12/26/2023 2:20:34 PM

With the launch of Phase 2 and the level cap increasing to 40, there is much speculation about how the DPS landscape will shift in the WoW Classic Season of Discovery.  Here we update our prediction about the WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Tier List, which will simplify your class selection when switching to Phase 2!

WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Tier List - Best DPS Class & Specs Ranking for Season of Discovery

Phase 2 of WoW Classic Season of Discovery will raise the level cap to 40, introduce a new 10-player Gnomeregan raid, add Arathi Highlands, Thousand Needles, Desolace, and Stranglethorn Vale as new leveling zones, make Stranglethorn Vale a PvP zone, increase the PvP rank cap, potentially add new 5-man dungeons like Dire Maul and Blackrock Depths, implement more quests and Runes, and unlock a new Rune Engraving mechanic. Players should prepare by hitting level 40, getting the best gear available, learning boss mechanics, stocking up on raid consumables, and bringing extra items to share. Therefore, we are sure that the DPS meta in Phase 2 will change, but at this moment we are focusing on forming this ranking list from comprehensive performance to help those who want to re-choose their profession to enter Phase 2 to make the right choice!

1. DPS Hunter (S-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

AOE DPS: ⭐⭐⭐

Utility: ⭐⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

More Details: Hunters have very high base damage that does not rely heavily on gear, making them exceptionally strong early on. Their pets are also contributing significantly more damage than expected, almost half of the total damage. They have good utility with abilities like Misdirection and Tranquilizing Shot. The combination of ranged damage, pet damage, and utility makes them top tier for PvE. For PvP their range gives them an advantage in kiting and harassing enemies. Many players agree that Hunters will still cement themselves as one of the top DPS in Phase 2. Their base damage scales incredibly well with levels, and getting access to key abilities like Aimed Shot and Multi-Shot will make their single target and AoE damage extremely potent.

2. DPS Warrior (S-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

AOE DPS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Utility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Already a top-tier DPS in Phase 1, Feral Druids are poised to get even stronger in Phase 2. Talents like Primal Fury give them white attack speed boosts, while Furor addresses rage generation issues. They will remain a top source of melee buffs. Warriors excel in single-target and cleave damage thanks to their high base damage and the powerful raid buffs they receive from others like Windfury Totem. They scale exceptionally well with the high-level raid gear available at level 25, dishing out top damage in raids. Their Execute ability also gives them immense burst potential when enemies drop low. They have good utility with debuffs like Sunder Armor and Thunder Clap. In PvE they are nearly unmatched, while in PvP they are still quite potent but suffer more from kiting and CC. Overall, Warriors are the premiere melee DPS in Season of Discovery right now. Like Hunters, Warlocks are expected to excel in Phase 2. Getting access to critical talents like Ruin, Improved Corruption, and Fel Concentration will solve many of the mana issues Warlocks had in Phase 1. This will allow them to spam high damage Shadow Bolts much more liberally.

3. Feral Druid (A-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

AOE DPS: ⭐⭐⭐

Utility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐

More Details: Feral Druids have emerged as one of the top DPS in Season of Discovery due to their ability to provide Windfury Totem, making them highly sought after. Their single target damage is quite good, rivaling Warriors and Rogues. They lack strong AOE however. Their utility is phenomenal, bringing crit buffs like Leader of the Pack and battle resurrection. In PvE they are nearly irreplaceable for melee groups. For PvP they can dish out solid damage but suffer from a lack of control abilities. Overall, the combination of strong personal DPS and indispensable raid buffs cement Feral Druids as a top DPS in Phase 1.

4. DPS Rogue (A-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Utility: ⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

More Details: Rogues boast very high single-target and priority target damage with abilities like Backstab, Eviscerate, and Slice and Dice. However, they lack strong AOE outside of Blade Flurry. They have some utility with Sap and Blind but lack the raid buffs of other classes. For PvE they fall just short of S-tier classes in raw damage potential, though they are still very strong. In PvP their control and burst make them deadly. Overall, Rogues are still one of the best melee DPS, just limited by their lack of cleave and raid buffs.

5. DPS Warlock (A-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Utility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

More Details: Warlocks have immense single-target damage potential, though they are held back by resists and lack of hit at lower levels. Their AOE is limited outside of Seed of Corruption. However, they have phenomenal utility with Healthstones, Soulstones and Curses. While their damage is a bit lower than top choices, their utility ensures their place in raids. For PvP, their survivability, control and burst damage make them incredibly dangerous. Overall, Warlocks may not top meters but they make up for it with some of the best raid utility in WoW.

6. Ret Paladin (B-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐⭐


Utility: ⭐⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐

Ret Paladins got huge improvements this season, with new abilities like Crusader Strike and Divine Storm. Their single-target is decent but cleave is lacking. They offer some nice buffs like Blessings. In PvE they are solid but kept out of higher tiers by mana issues and lack of a Mortal Strike debuff. For PvP their survivability and burst make them good in skirmishes. Ret Paladins were already struggling to compete for DPS spots in Phase 1, and most expect that trend to continue absent major changes. Getting Repentance and Vengeance may help PvP, but the PvE damage just isn't there compared to other classes.

7. DPS Mage (B-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐⭐

AOE DPS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Utility: ⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐

More Details: Mages have amazing AOE damage potential with spells like Blizzard and Arcane Explosion. However, their single-target damage is more mediocre. They also have limited utility outside of providing food/water. In PvE, they excel when AOE is needed but lag on single-target. In PvP their AOE and control abilities give them strong tools for battlegrounds. Overall Mages are held back by their lackluster single-target damage and utility at low levels.

8. Enhancement Shaman (C-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐


Utility: ⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐

More Details: While Enhancement Shamans got some new rotational abilities, they still face mana issues that limit their damage potential. They lack good weapons from BFD for melee. Their utility is also not as strong without higher level totems and buffs. For PvE they can deal decent damage but are outshined by other melee. In PvP their burst gives them kill potential but they struggle with sustain. Enhancement Shamans suffer from mana problems and low weapon options at this stage of the game.

9. Shadow Priest (C-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐


Utility: ⭐⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐

More Details: Shadow Priests offer nice utility through buffs like Shadow Weaving, but suffer from extensive mana issues that limit their damage potential. Their AOE is also very weak outside of Mind Sear. For PvE they can supplement other casters but their personal damage is lacking. In PvP they have some nice tools for harassment and survivability. Overall Shadow Priests suffer from low damage output coupled with mana inefficiency.

10. Elemental Shaman (C-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐

AOE DPS: ⭐⭐⭐

Utility: ⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐⭐

More Details: Elemental Shamans got some new rotational abilities but still have the same mana inefficiency problems. They can deal with good burst AOE but quickly run OOM. They lack unique raid buffs that Resto Shamans don't bring. For PvE, their damage falls off quickly outside of cooldowns. In PvP their burst gives them kill potential. Elemental Shamans will likely remain low priority DPS for raid viability.

11. Balance Druid (C-Tier)

Single-Target DPS: ⭐⭐


Utility: ⭐⭐

PvE: ⭐⭐

PvP: ⭐⭐

More Details: Balance Druids lack their core Moonkin Form and primarily spam Starfire, draining their mana quickly. New abilities like Wrath help conserve mana but damage is still low. They lack strong AOE as well. Their utility is also minimal for a DPS. In PvE, they just don't deal enough damage to compete. In PvP they can harass but lack kill potential. Overall Balance needs major buffs to become competitive in Season of Discovery.

Ranged DPS classes like Hunters and Warlocks look set to dominate the DPS meta in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery, while melee DPS could face more competition for raid spots. However, upcoming content tuning and new systems like Dark Runestones could still shake up the landscape. One thing is certain - the DPS race is heating up in WoW Classic Season of Discovery!