Lords of the Fallen Inferno Quest Guide: General Engstrom Locations, Routes & Walkthrough

12/28/2023 3:53:14 PM

General Engstrom is the third and final quest introduced in the new Trial of the Three Spirits update for Lords of the Fallen. Welcome to our Lords of the Fallen Inferno quest guide, we’ll break down the General Engstrom armor locations, routes, and walkthrough.


Lords of the Fallen General Engstrom Armor Guide - How to Complete Inferno Quest in LOTF

General Engstrom is not as straightforward as finding his boss's arena. You must complete a hidden quest involving deciphering riddles and collecting five "Blazing Hands." These hands are scattered throughout the game world, often requiring puzzle-solving or defeating specific enemies. You'll need three emotes or gestures to get all of the loot and fully complete this Lords of the Fallen Inferno quest. Those are the pledge of a deer, the Crimson ritual fever and the laughter gesture. The last part of this quest is a lot of fun and thankfully it's not going away so you'll be able to experience this anytime you want. Next, we’re into the best LOTF Inferno quest locations, routes, and walkthrough.


Lords of the Fallen Inferno Quest Walkthrough

Obtain Pledge of Adyr Gesture

From the Vestage of Music in Upper Crath, make your way through the winding paths. Look for a giant catapult ahead. Climb its ladder and interact with the object at the top to find the gesture tucked away.

Obtain Crimson Ritual Fever

Travel to the legendary Shrine of Adeer. Approach and interact with its altar for the first time. The shrine will whisper of secrets yet untold.

Obtain Laughter Gesture

Help Damar Ro light no beacons as she guides you to Fitzroy's Gorge. Upon reaching the Crimson Rector Perol, help defeat the fierce demon. Continue accompanying Damar Ro until she stops at the Shrine of Adeer once more. Speak with her to receive the mystical emote.

Head to Giant Tree in Fitzroy's Gorge

Take the well-trodden path from Adeer's shrine, passing sullen trees and stone markers. The tree's gnarled branches soon loom into view.

Start Quest at Tree

Perform the Pledge of Adyr before the imposing tree. It will relay the first step - extinguish 5 Blazing Hands hanging throughout the land.

Obtain Snowball Throwable

Ascend ladders and pass unseen archers in Upper Crath. On the other side, spot the simple snow projectile on the ground. Pick it up and equip.

Hit First Blazing Hand

Target and hurl snowballs to douse the burning Hand above the quest-starting tree. Its flames sputter out with a hiss of steam.

Hit Successive Hands

Make haste to each Hand's location, winding down forests paths and up hillsides. Blast snow to each one in turn to slowly fulfill the tree's request.

Summon Secret Boss

Approach the tree one final time. Perform Crimson Ritual Fever to beckon the fearsome General Angstrom to battle.

Defeat Angstrom/Receive Rewards

Topple the mighty foe through skill and perseverance. Loot his armor, then use Laughter to obtain his signature weaponry.