Animal Crossing New Horizons Next Update - NEXT UPDATES in 2021 (Everything We Know)

9/2/2021 5:40:37 PM

With the animal crossing new horizons 1.11 Update has been out for over a month now, are you looking forward to seeing what updates should be remaining for 2021? Do you have a good idea already of what to expect? This guide including updates for Halloween that were discovered within the latest update, as well as resuming other events before the end of the year. Bring some data content that has been seen, including Brewster and his cafe.

What ACNH update should be remaining for 2021?

When you can expect to see acnh update and what more details that you need to know about acnh update? Most of you know by Nintendo news now that Nintendo decided to add the Halloween content for animal crossing new horizons ahead of time in the latest update, many people thought it might be a mistake but it seems like they just wanted to do it ahead of time.


It would be ready however what's really interesting is Nintendo didn't actually announce any of this acnh update content, you can time travel ahead to get the Halloween items, the November ACNH items are also datamined as well, they're all pretty cool, but Nintendo didn't actually mention them themselves in their acnh update announcement which was really unusual, to be honest, but this content is basically all ready and waiting to go to be released into animal crossing new horizons for everyone to enjoy now.  Most likely see another blog post announcement during the late days of September maybe early days of October for Nintendo to announce Halloween-related content and the seasonal item content for November as well. They've done a lot of these blog posts and in their most recent one something that was really interesting like, they didn't announce any of the upcoming October and November seasonal items at all. 

Maybe they're gonna have to do another blog post to reveal this animal crossing new horizons update content to everyone, however, it doesn't seem like they'll have to do a major update to the game to unlock Halloween, it seems like all of this stuff is already programmed into the latest update now.

1. Halloween preparation(October)


You probably know that Nintendo has done it, so the updates were only programmed in for 2020 and they had to re-add them in for 2021 well, it looks like Halloween is already in the game for 2021, they added it in with this animal crossing new horizons August update. So everything is basically ready to go and all they need to do is change the version number by doing a small minor patch rather than a full update. So this is basically a guaranteed update that you can look forward to now.

  • Gather candy to prep for Halloween


  • Grow pumpkins for DIY recipes


  • Get serious about your costume


Of course, it will be a very minor update, unless Nintendo does decide to add some surprises that maybe don't know about yet and do a full update, that happening for this particular update, it's most likely just to be the existing Halloween that saw last year for players who are kind of returning to the game or players who maybe didn't get to enjoy it last year with the new items added on top of that. So that's basically this next update it does seem incredibly likely that they're going to announce it via a blog post.

2. Turkey day & toy day

Another sort of guaranteed update in 2021 is pretty much a similar very type of update, this would be to bring back turkey day and of course toy day into the game, these are not programmed into animal crossing new horizons for 2021 which means Nintendo would need to do an update.

  • Turkey day(11/26)


  • Toy day(12/24)


A full update to bring them back to the game would be another fairly disappointing update.

Any types of updates in this game and enjoy seeing new content for animal crossing horizons, if the last update for the year happened to be another small one with just a few event changes and seasonal items that would disappoint fans even more.

3. Brewster's cafe

Is Brewster's cafe finally coming to Animal Crossing New Horizons? 

However the November update could perhaps be something more significant, it is the holiday season after all and some really interesting data mind changes and news already seen, that could indicate a bigger update now that updates to the cafe and new code for it have been discovered within the last two updates, but it definitely does make you feel like this update could be happening anytime soon, and November could be a really good time to see it. Nintendo has mentioned on two occasions now, one from Doug bowser and one from their official Twitter services that they are still working on more updates for the game. If they just meant small seasonal ones, of course even if the cafe is happening at some point in the future which it definitely looks like it is.

A small minor patch for Halloween to bring in these items and also the November seasonal items as well which people will be able to enjoy if they want to and haven't already got all of them already,  because you can kind of time travel ahead to enjoy the new items, even if you can't time travel to Halloween itself because it's locked and maybe will see an update in November.

These two are less speculative and more kind of given because Nintendo wouldn't just exclude this stuff from the game, they wouldn't just say we've got these events ready to go, but we're not going to program them in for 2021. They've done it with the last few updates that weren't programmed in.

Kind of pattern can see now but the question is if they'll contain something bigger within these updates that maybe we weren't expecting like something day to mind. If before the year ends Nintendo would be more likely to announce something bigger for animal crossing new horizons, but at this point,  to wait and see if that does actually happen or not.

Do you think there's a chance we'll see a bigger update this year?