ACNH Event Dates 2021 - All Animal Crossing New Horizons Events 2021 by Month

9/26/2021 3:13:21 PM

We already have reached the third quarter of this year, Nintendo kicked off the first week of fall with a new Direct presentation on September 23. They confirmed that Brewster is coming to Animal Crossing New Horizons in November. What else to expect in ACNH 2021 update? Follow us to look through all the ACNH event dates 2021 by month, here we covering all the seasonal events, holidays, festivals and celebrations. 

acnh events 2021

ACNH Event Dates 2021 - List of All Animal Crossing New Horizons Events 2021 by Month

Check out the list of all ACNH events 2021 each month, get the event days and schedules to avoid missing any ACNH items and activities in the game. Please note that all the dates are based on Northern or both hemispheres except for the marked dates. And some events of November and December are to be confirmed.  

ACNH Events January 2021

☆New Year’s Day - January 1 to January 15

Shōgatsu - January 1 to January 15

Fishing Tourney - January 9

Bug Off - January 16 (Southern)

Big Game - January 15 to February 15

Groundhog Day - January 25 to February 2

Setsubun or Bean Throwing Festival - January 25 to February 3

ACNH Events February 2021 

Valentine's Day - February 1 to February 14

Lunar New Year - February 10 to February 17

Korean New Year - February 10 to February 17

☆Festivale - February 15

Bug Off - February 20 (Southern)

Hinamatsuri Festival - February 25 to March 3

ACNH Events March 2021

Pi Day - March 1 to March 14

Shamrock Day - March 10 to March 17

April Fool’s Day - March 26 to April 1

☆Bunny Day - March 28 to April 4

ACNH Events April 2021

Cherry Blossom Season - April 1 to April 10

Prom Night - April 1 to April 30

Sinimogi or Tree Planting Day - April 1 to April 10

Fishing Tourney - April 10

Nature Day - April 15 to April 22

Children's Day - April 28 to May 5

☆May Day - April 29 to May 7

ACNH Events May 2021

Mother's Day - May 1 to May 31

Mushrooming Season - May 1 to May 31 (Southern)

Maple Leaf Season - May 16 to May 25 (Southern)

☆International Museum Day - May 18 to May 31

Cheese Rolling Day - May 22 to May 31

ACNH Events June 2021

International Children’s Day - June 1 to June 15

Father’s Day - June 1 to June 30

☆Wedding Season - June 1 to June 30

Dragon Boat Festival - June 5 to June 14

Dano Festival - June 5 to June 14

Summer Solstice - June 15 to 21

Bug Off - June 26 

ACNH Events July 2021

Tanabata - July 1 to July 31

Marine Day - July 8 to July 22

Fishing Tourney - July 10

Le 14 Juillet - July 10 to July 20

Cowboy Festival - July 15 to August 15

Bug Off - July 24

ACNH Events August 2021

Cowherd & Weaver Girl Day - August 5 to August 14

Obon - August 10 to August 16

Bug Off - August 28

☆Fireworks Show - August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

ACNH Events September 2021

Grape Harvest Festival - September 1 to September 30

Moon-Viewing Day - September 12 to September 21

Chuseok - September 12 to 21

Bug Off - September 25

ACNH Events October 2021

Cherry Blossom Season - October 1 to October 10 (Southern)

Fishing Tourney - October 9

Day of the Dead - October 25 to November 3

☆Halloween - October 31

ACNH Events November 2021

Lantern Festival - November 1 to 11

Mushrooming Season - November 1 to November 30

Shichi-Go-San - November 11 to 20

Maple Leaf Season - November 16 to November 25

Bug Off - November 20 (Southern)

☆Turkey Day - November 25

ACNH Events December 2021

Festive Season - December 15 to January 6

Winter Solstice - December 15 to December 21

Bug Off - December 18

☆Toy Day - December 24

☆New Year’s Eve - December 26 to December 31

Nochevieja - December 26 to December 31

Silvester - December 26 to December 31

Ōmisoka - December 26 to December 31