Lost Ark Reaper Thirst Build Guide: Stats, Engravings, Skills, Gems, Play Style & More
Today we are going to be presenting a Lost Ark reaper thirst build guide, showing the play style, class engravings, skills, gems, rotation, stats and more.
Lost Ark Reaper Thirst Build Guide - How To Play Reaper Class
Play Style
Thirst build is a constant dps play style, it uses four red skills which are called a soft skills. When you use green or purple skills which are called dagger and shadow skills respectively, the green identity cage gets filled up and if you continue using those skills, then the red gauge will get filled up.
So first, the green gauge gets filled up and from here if you keep using the green and purple skills, then the red gauge will fill up above the green gauge. When the red gauge is maxed out, then you get 15% crit rate and 10% attack speed, movement speed as well. This is called chaos state, it lasts for 9 seconds and you can renew the duration time, whenever you land green or purple skills. When the chaos state ends, then you lose all the red gauge. Thirst class engraving increases 30% of identity meter restoration and when the red gauge reaches max, it increases 25% attack at level 3. So it's important to maintain chaos state by keeping up with using skills if you don't want to lose all the crit rate, attack and attack speed, movement speed buffs. Unlike moon sound reaper, you do not want to press z key since it will remove the whole red gauge.
Relic Set
- Earth Entropy
Almost one-on-one proportion for specialization and swiftnesss. Specialization increases damage of red skills and swiftness allows fast rotation for a constant dps build.
- Barrage
- Cursed Doll
- Ambush Master
- Raid Captain
- Thirst
You can run adrenaline over cursed doll if you want consistency over potential. You can also run keen blunt weapon over the cursor if you don't want the crystals penalty, the dps is very similar. For the build under 5x3, prioritize on thirds level 3 and others don't matter that much.
Nightmare: This is a dagger skill to maintain the gauge, it allows you to teleport to the opposite side of the bob if you press twice.
Shadow Dot: This is a dagger skill to maintain the gauge, you can use it twice in a row. First line 12% armor break part is energy for 12 seconds. Second line cooldown reduction and third line reduces cooldown of red skills that are already on cooldown. It reduces them by 1.9 seconds at level 5. So second and third tripod is important to upgrade rooney's quick recharge.
Distortion: This is a shadow skill to maintain the gauge. It's a movement skill and it allows you to go through the mobs even guardians and lesion rate bosses. Frst line cooldown reduction and second line gives you 30% movement speed for 4 seconds at level 5. Both are important to upgrade rooney's bleed rune.
Shadowstorm: This is a shadow skill to maintain the gauge, it also does some decent damage in this build. First line increases crit rate, second line damage increase, third line additional attack. All tripods are important to upgrade rooney's wealth rune.
Last Graffiti: This isn't a soft skill that does damage. First line increases crit rate, second and third line increases damage.
Rage Spear: This isn't a soft skill that does damage. First line increases crit rate, second and third line increases damage.
Dance of Fury: This is an assault skill that does dps. First line pierce's armor, second and third line increases damage.
Silent Smasher: This is an oscilloscope that does damage. First line cooldown reduction, second line reduces the animation time and third line increases damage.
For the gems, 4 attack gems on four rescues, and 1 more attack gem on shadowstorm, for the rest of the slots, run 6 cooldown reduction gems, 4 on rescues and 1 on shadowstorm and the last 1 on shadow dot.
Use dagger and shadow skills to maintain the meter and use rescues whenever they are up. Also it's important to use shadow dot skill between the red skills since it reduces cooldown of the rescues.
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