WoW Dragonflight Raid Tier List & DPS Ranking: Best Raid Class Specs in Dragonflight Mythic+
Want to reroll or focus on one of your characters during the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight PrePatch and dominate raids in Mythic+, but don't know which one? We'll help you figure it out with our tier list of the specs ranking for raids & dungeons in WoW Dragonflight.
What are the Best Class & Spec for Raids in WoW Dragonflight?
One question that comes up regularly when talking to players of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, whether they're new to the game or not, is "What's the best specs? To answer this question, we've put together our tier list of the best class specs for Raid and Mythic+ Mode in WoW Dragonflight!
All the information below comes from experienced players and our own personal experience. They are only for the PvE content of the Dragonflight PrePatch. These rankings involve a subjective component, and above all are for the PrePatch only, the status of each specialization will be irrelevant once the expansion is deployed.
Here is what each "rank" we assign in these tier lists corresponds to:
Tier S: Excellent specialization, all groups are looking for players with this specialization
Tier A: Good specialization, efficient and appreciated in groups
Tier B: Good specialization, may have difficulties finding groups but is able to stand out in the hands of a good player
Tier C: Weak specialization with little chance of being taken in groups but not necessarily bad!
Tier D: This is an underwhelming specialization, one of the few that you will really struggle to stand out. But a good player will still manage to do something with it!
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WoW Dragonflight Raid Class Tier List (Best DPS Class Ranking for Raids & Dungeons)
The rankings below provide an overview of the status of each raid specialization. DPS are ranked based on their ability to DPS overall battles, Healers are ranked based on their effectiveness in keeping the raid alive as well as their utility CDs, and Tanks are ranked based on their survival and average DPS.
Raid Class Ranking - S Tier
1. Beast Mastery Hunter
2. Frost Death Knight
3. Affliction Warlock
4. Guardian Druid
5. Balance Druid
6. Arcane Mage
7. Discipline Priest
Raid Class Ranking - A Tier
1. Havoc Demon Hunter
2. Vengeance Demon Hunter
3. Unholy Death Knight
4. Blood Death Knight
5. Restoration Druid
6. Arms Warrior
7. Fire Mage
8. Brewmaster Monk
9. Windwalker Monk
10. Mistweaver Monk
11. Retribution Paladin
12. Holy Priest
13. Outlaw Rogue
Raid Class Ranking - B Tier
1. Elemental Shaman
2. Restoration Shaman
3. Blood Death Knight
4. Demonology Warlock
5. Destruction Warlock
6. Fury Warrior
7. Protection Warrior
8. Protection Paladin
Raid Class Ranking - C Tier
1. Enhancement Shaman
2. Feral Druid
3. Frost Mage
4. Holy Paladin
5. Shadow Priest
6. Subtlety Rogue
Raid Class Ranking - D Tier
1. Marksmanship Hunter
2. Survival Hunter
3. Assassination Rogue
The WoW Dragon Class rankings for Raid above were developed based on several criteria involving the top 5% of players who performed best in Mythic Mode in the Pre-Patch.
Druid Keeper is a very special case in that it is his average DPS that allows him to rank so high. However, this requires some very specific items without which you will never perform as well as we have indicated here. So beware!
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