WoW Dragonflight Love is in the Air Event Guide 2023: Quests, Rewards, Achievements & Goldmaking Tips
World of Warcraft Love is in the Air starts on February 6 and ends on February 20. In this WoW Dragonflight Love is in the Air event guide 2023, we talk about the quests, rewards, achievements, and tips to make gold.
WoW Dragonflight Love is in the Air Guide 2023
This Dragonfight Valentine’s Day event in 2023 can be celebrated by the Horde in Orgrimmar and the Alliance in Stormwind City. Many rewards can be earned: mounts gear, pets, achievements, a title, and many more. Moreover, there are more ways to make gold than ever with Love is in the Air event due to the changes that came to the game in 10.0.5. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to complete the Dragonflight Love is in the Air event in 1 to 2 days.
Dragonflight Love is in the Air Quests 2023
The Love is in the Air event have a short quest line where you have to counter the plans of the Crown Chemical Company. The Stemvidil Cartel suspects there's something shady about these goblin newcomers and investigators have been hired to get to the bottom of things, with your help. The event also gives you a number of daily quests that you can use to earn Love Token. The Crown Chemical Company would like for you to share its new products with the Denizens of Azeroth to help establish its role as a new provider of quality holiday goods.
Dragonflight Love is in the Air Rewards 2023
Complete special daily quests to obtain experience, money, and Love Tokens to purchase holiday items. After quest, it is time for the boss encounter located in Shadowfang Keep which can be accessed by queuing for it in the Dungeon Finder or speaking to Steamwheedle located in Stormwind City or in Orgrimmar. There are 635 ilvl necks as rewards, as well as tons of rare goodies such as the Big Love Rocket!
The fight itself is fairly simple. The first time you defeat Hummel, you will receive a Heart-Shaped Box that contains the boss items. This could include a fancy rose, a gas mask, an oozeling battle pet, or an item so powerful, it can break your heart! You can get more than one of these items per box but you can only get one box per character per day.
Dragonflight Love is in the Air Challenges 2023
The first time that you defeat the boss encounter, you will get the Full for Love achievement. For Love in the Air, there are 12 different challenges for players, and a player title is granted to those who can achieve them all.
1. For Be Mine achievements, you must eat one of each of the randomly generated message candies found inside a Bag of Heart Candies. The Bag of Heart Candies has 10 charges, and you can buy from a Lovely Merchant for 2 Love Token.
2. For Charming achievements, you must create a total of 12 Lovely Charm Bracelet, which are created by combining 10 Lovely Charms each. There are a few farm spots that you can use to obtain Lovely Charms quickly. The best spot is in Gorgrond, you will be killing 4 packs of Stoneshard Grubling, and respawn time is like 10 sec.
3. For Dangerous Love achievement , you must complete one of the Crushing the Crown daily quests offered by Detective Snap in Orgrimmar or Inspector Snip Snip in Stormwind. There is a specific daily quest available to characters of every level range with the lowest level quest being made available to players at least level 5 and the highest to players level 81 or above.
4. For Fistful of Love achievement, you must use a Handful of Rose Petals on each of the following race class combinations. The Handful of Rose Petals can be purchased with 5 Love Token for 5 Handful of Rose Petals from a Lovely Merchant.
5. For Flirt With Disaster achievement, you need to buy a few bottles of alcoholic enough to get you smashed. Then use one of the seasonal perfumes throw a Handful of Rose Petals on Jeremiah and then blow him a kiss. He is located in the center of Undercity. Alliance will need to search for Sraaz around the central Great Forge in Ironforge.
6. For I Pitid The Fool achievement, you or another player must use Love Fool in each of the 5 listed zones, and then / pitted, the Love Fool that is created. The zones in which you must do this are Wintergrasp, Arathi Basin Blacksmith, Naxxramas, Battle Ring of Gurubashi Arena, and the Culling of Stratholme. The Love Fool can be purchased from a Lovely Merchant for 10 Love Token each.
7. For Lonely? Achievement, you can either join someone in Dalaran who has used their Romantic Picnic Basket, or you can use your own and have someone else join you. Once you have used the Romantic Picnic and acquired the Romantic Picnic buff, you must then eat a Buttermilk Delight Candy, which can be obtained from a Box of Chocolates.
8. For My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose achievement, you need to obtain either a Bouquet of Red Roses or Bouquet of Ebon Roses. They only drop from select Cataclysm bosses on Heroic or Normal difficulty.
9. For Nation of Adoration achievement, you must visit every capital city. Peddlefeet will give you a daily quest that will require you to bring a Lovely Charm Bracelet to the leader of the city. To do this, you must obtain a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit, collect a total of 40 Lovely Charms, and create 4 Lovely Charm Bracelets, one for each of your faction's leaders.
10. For Shafted! Achievement, you have to use a Silver Shafted Arrow on 10 players that don't have non-combat pets out. You can purchase 10 Silver Shafted Arrow from a Lovely Merchant for 10 Love Token.
11. For Sweet Tooth achievement, you need to consume each of the 4 candies found in the Box of Chocolates which costs 10 Love Token per box. The 4 candies are Dark Desire, Sweet Surprise, Very Berry Cream, Buttermilk Delight.
12. For The Rocket's Pink Glare, you need to use 10 Love Rocket in 20 seconds or less. Simply hotkey the rockets and spam away! 10 Love Rocket can be purchased from a Lovely Merchant for 10 Love Token total.
Dragonflight Love is in the Air Additional Achievements
1. Additional Achievements that you can do is Lovely Luck Is On Your Side achievement, you must loot a Lovely Black Dress from a Lovely Dress Box, which has a chance to contain any of the Lovely Dresses. This box can be purchased from a Lovely Merchant for 20 Love Token.
2. Another one is Perma-Peddle achievement, you must purchase the Truesilver Shafted Arrow with 40 Love Token from a Lovely Merchant. This item will teach you to summon the battle pet Peddlefeet.
Dragonflight Love is in the Air Event Gold Making Tips
World of Warcraft Dragonflight Love is in the Air event is mainly focused on this one item called the lovely charm bracelet. In order to make gold, you need to go to the capital cities like Orgrimmar, Stormwind, and Ironforge. You need to talk to the Love is in the Air NPC to pick up lovely charm bracelets. In order to make gold, you need to pick up the charms. Basically whenever you kill something that yields honor or XP. But it's very important to pick up the item, so you can actually craft the currency to get the love tokens. There are a ton of different ways you can farm gold with Dragonflight WoW Love is in the Air event which we're going to list below.
DF Spot:
Lvl 10 spot:
lvl 10 spot:
lvl 10 spot:
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