Wotlk Classic Phase 3 PvP Tier List - Best PvP Healer, Melee & Ranged DPS Ranked In Wotlk

6/20/2023 3:37:22 PM

Blizzard has announced that the Phase 3 release date for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic will take place on June 20 (US)/June 21 (EU). If you don't know what's the best melee, ranged dps, and healer to main, Mtmmo.com has got you covered. In the Wotlk Classic phase 3 PvP tier list, we talk about the best melee DPS, ranged DPS, and healer.  Even if you disagree with some of our opinions, your choice of main is guaranteed to have a direct impact on how easy or hard your time climbing the ladder will be.


Wotlk Phase 3 Best PvP Class & Spec - Wotlk Classic Phase 3 PvP Ranking

If you want to choose the best PvP class and spec to play in Wrath of the Lich King phase 3, we want you to stop right now before you make a huge mistake. Wrath isn't like Shadowlands, classes aren't nearly as face roll and you can't just log in and expect to automatically win every game. The biggest mistake players make when playing Classic for the first time is choosing a new class, only to be crushed by its high skill cap. Read our Wotlk Classic Phase 3 PvP ranking, we will be showing you which PvP classes are easy to pick up and which ones are meant for the most hardcore players.


WOTLK Classic Phase 3 Melee Tier List 

Easy Melee

1. Enhancement Shaman

2. Frost Death Knight

3. Protection Warrior

4. Protection Paladin


Moderate Melee

1. Unholy Death Knight

2. Retribution Paladin

3. Arms Warrior


Hardest Melee

1. Rogue (All)

2. Feral Druid


WOTLK Classic Phase 3 Ranged DPS Tier List

Easy Ranged

1. Beast Mastery Hunter

2. Destruction Warlock

3. Elemental Shaman


Moderate Ranged

1. Balance Druid

2. Shadow Priest


Hard Ranged

1. Marksmanship Hunter

2. Survival Hunter

3. Affliction Warlock

4. Mage


WOTLK Classic Phase 3 Healer Tier List

Easy Healer

1. Holy Paladin

2. Discipline Priest


Moderate Healer

1. Restoration Druid


Hard Healer

1. Restoration Shaman

WOTLK Phase 3 Best PvP Classes & Specs

Generally speaking, the best WOW WOTLK phase 3 PvP spec needs to have a low-skill floor, which is different than a skill cap or skill ceiling. So what's the difference a spec having a low-skill floor means it's easy to pick up. Even without technical mastery or nuanced game knowledge, you can still do fairly well. Which obviously takes into consideration how strong the spec is at its core. If a spec is easy to pick up but is absolute trash well, that means an increased level of difficulty. Finally, when thinking about the difficulty of each spec, it's important to consider the strength of its abilities. does every ability have a high impact does the spec have mechanics that are forgiving is it expected to multitask or can it get away with doing a single thing these are all important questions to consider but enough of that