Diablo 4 Best DPS Build Tier List: Top 10 Highest DPS Builds For Season 1 Start in D4

7/4/2023 6:39:11 PM

We update the Top 10 best DPS builds in Diablo IV after 1.0.3 patch nerfs, that cover the highest damage builds for each class to start season 1!

Diablo 4 DPS Ranking After 1.0.3 - Top 10 Best DPS Builds To Start Season 1

Throughout Diablo's history, there have been times where certain builds have been much stronger than others and in this post, we're going to be sharing with you the strongest class builds in Diablo IV with the latest patch 1.0.3. These builds are going to be rated based on the level 50 through 100 experience as well as the maximum potential for pushing nightmare dungeons as high as you can. 

  • 1. Ice Shards Sorcerer (S Tier)

The best build for sorcerers now is the ice shards sorc. This build has an answer to absolutely every problem out there whether it be AOE damage, farming, super high crowd control with solid defensives, and the capability to push nightmare dungeons to their absolute limit. By combining Frost Nova and their unique chest piece that pulls enemies in after teleporting the arraignment of the infinite, you have a fantastic way of grouping up enemies and freezing them for your ice shards to just completely annihilate them with nothing but a few casts of the spell. And with bringing you enough Mana regeneration, you actually have no need for a core skill which gives you access to another defensive or ultimate ability to really refine the class and bring you a severe advantage over your peers. The best part about this build is that it's incredibly straightforward and user-friendly. Using ice shards as your only source of actual damage and your one-two punch combo of freezing enemies will Frost Nova to annihilate them in groups is incredibly easy. This build is phenomenal for anyone looking to push nightmare dungeons as high as you can on Sorcerer, with a build that requires minimal legendaries to actually come online and get going. The Ice Shards build is at the top of the list when it comes to sorcerer and it doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon.

  • 2. Shadowmist Necro (S Tier)

The explosive Shadowmist build for Necromancer has completely taken over this class's Community the past couple of weeks. This was the first Necromancer build that completed a nightmare tier 100 and it's all for a good reason. The most powerful point about this build is that it is not a bone build and it's a shadow damage based build. By using the key passive Shadow Blight and turning all of your attacks into Shadow damage, you're dealing a ton of damage over time to enemies combined with your Shadow pools of corpse explosion. And by using to cryptify with the cooldown reduction setup, you can massively reduce your cooldowns to spam all of your abilities to maintain your uptime on Bone Storm as well as Blood Mist to maximize your damage output and to make you near invulnerable. So it is definitely one of the greater Necromancer builds in terms of general mob clearing and is probably the best Necromancer build in terms of survivability and pushing nightmare dungeons to their limit. So while you're sitting in that juicy blood mist and vulnerability, all your enemies will be rotting away from your Corpse Explosion, Bone Storm and Blight Shadow damage combo, making this great for anyone to pick up and try.

  • 3. Werewolf Tornado Druid

It seems that werewolf tornado Druid came out of absolutely nowhere in the last couple of weeks and it's going to stay on top in terms of the Druid meta. Now to be clear the build does require a unique and very specific legendary to even be used, but the gameplay is incredibly user-friendly and very rewarding if you're able to do so. The idea is that you take grizzly rage which normally turns into a Werebear and acquire the legendary aspect to have you turn into a werewolf instead. The big kicker is that with enough cooldown reduction in calm before the storm procs, you can make the dire werewolf form permanent. And if you're in werewolf form, your storm skill costs are reduced by up to 50% giving you the ability to spam your tornadoes as much as you want. This build is fantastic for end game because it brings limitless AOE damage with tornadoes and a ton of self-healing when you kill targets. Pairing this with the temerity pants, it is a match made in heaven for doing just about anything in the Diablo 4 end game for the werewolf tornado Druid.

  • 4. Trapper Rogue

Trapper Rogue is definitely one of the best rogue builds out there no doubt, combining poison trap and death trap to constantly crowd control and knock down enemies is one of those one-two punch combos that is really build-defining in Diablo 4. With their Exposure Capstone talent that has the chance to reduce the cooldown of your trap skills by 20% whenever you deal direct damage to enemies affected by trap skills, you could pretty much have no cooldowns on your Heavy Hitters which is going to be your trap skills. And they can also bring you an incredible amount of crowd control to group up enemies for you to be able to deal extra damage to them when they are clumped together with either Shadow Imbuement or Twisting Blades, Bladedancer's Legendary Aspect. What makes this build so fun to use is that it's incredibly effective, you're spamming your cooldowns Non-Stop and it's very straightforward to play. Trapper Rogue is fantastic for group play in particular because, with your death trap ability, you suck all the enemies into the center and cause you or your teammates to deal massive areas of effect damage to all of them at once.

  • 5. Whirlwind Barbarian

The strongest part about this build is that the gameplay is very straightforward and new player friendly, and still, the Barbarian shot abilities even after all the tunings and the last couple of patches are incredibly strong and effective from almost every Barbarian Build out there. You would go in there and supercharge yourself with Rallying Cry and Challenging Shout, buff yourself additionally with Berserker rage, and go on your way of Whirlwind for as long as you possibly can. This brings you a melee Bruiser build that is very fluid and mobile by Whirlwind through enemies and it's very durable with its constant health regeneration and Fortify as well. You even have some utility for groups if you use the grasping Whirlwind legendary aspect to pull enemies in to do some really nice setup combos for your team also. Overall the Whirlwind barbarian is in an excellent spot right now and definitely one of the best builds in the game as of lately.

  • 6. Blizzard Sorcerer

Now the Blizzard ability on its own is quite unimpressive of course, but pairing it with the legendary aspect that summons Ice Spikes inside of your Blizzards which can stack an infinite number of times by the way, turns this ability into an absolute wrecking ball. Blizzard sorcerer build can destroy Uber Lilith in under two minutes. Like usual with nearly every sorcerer build out there, you're actually going to grab all four of your defensive abilities which increase your survivability drastically inside of nightmare dungeons as well as farming as quickly as you possibly can. Additionally, you go about your day dealing a ton of extra damage to crowd control or frozen enemies and just simply spamming Blizzard covering the whole map with a Frost Storm destroying everyone while you could be completely on the move during the whole process. This build brings fantastic AOE damage as well as control to everyone caught inside of your blizzards and is definitely a nice mix-up away from Ice shards because that's pretty much what everyone's playing right now when it comes to the sorcerer. The only issue with this build is that the legendary aspect required to make it viable isn't in the Codex of Power, so you're going to have to rely on RNG when it comes to having this build come online and progress your character. 

  • 7. Bone Spear Necromancer

Bone Spear Necro is doing some incredible damage right now. Bone skills as a whole for the Necromancer have a very severe advantage of having a lot of great damage multipliers baked into the bone skills entirely. One of its great assets is that it makes all enemies hit by bone spear vulnerable amplifying your damage to anyone hit significantly. And with a couple of resource aspects on your rings to generate essence, you have a build that's able to shoot out endless Bone Spears dealing great consistent DPS to all enemies hit, and the ricochets from the Bone Spears deal an insane amount of damage as well. Now the Necromancer does lack mobility of course, but you surely make up for it with some survivability with Blood Mist and the damage reduction from Bone Storm making you much tankier. On top of it taking enemies you have bone prison paired with corpse potentials to keep enemies locked down in an area to toss out bone Spears infinitely, making it easier to line up your bone spear projectile, hitting all of the enemies inside. All in all, though the Bone Spear Necromancer does incredible damage while having a nearly endless Essence for a consistent DPS class is very straightforward and effective.

  • 8. Rapid Fire Rogue

The machine gun Rapid Fire Rogue is definitely a brand new kid on the block this time around. This build is incredibly strong and requires only one legendary aspect to start coming into its own. When you damage a vulnerable enemy with rapid-fire, you actually regenerate nearly all the energy you would spend shooting out Rapid Fire, so as long as you apply vulnerability you could shoot out like a machine gun from a sniper's range dealing incredible damage and take away all the risk of being hit in melee range. By combining this concept with the exploit glyph that makes enemies vulnerable for 3 seconds when you first encounter them, you'd nearly have a 100% uptime on full energy allowing you to spam your rapid fire ability and not even need a basic skill allowing you to pick up another ability depending on what you need most whether it be damage utility or Mobility. The strongest part about this build is that it's super straightforward in the sense that you are literally spamming rapid fire as much as you can click it. As long as you make enemies vulnerable, you can do this in various ways through either your traps or your explosions from your Your Shadow imbuement spell. all in all, the Rapid Fire ability is a super high DPS build that leaves for great creativity with other abilities in your skill tree, and anyone could pick it up to have a great time with this rogue build.

  • 9. HOA Barbarian

Now it said that if you're looking to push nightmare dungeons as high as you possibly can the mighty Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian is going to be your way to go. This ability doesn't have a large area of effect, but you can instantly solve that problem with the Ancestral Force aspect that you could find in your codex of power. And this HOA ability does tremendous AOE damage for a relatively cheap cost of Fury. The biggest issue for this build is your Fury generation, but once you solve that this build can clear up just about anything in the game. Like usual for barbarians, you take Lunging Strike to give you some mobility, load up on all three of those shouts to buff yourself as much as you can with great Fury regeneration, movement speed, and damage, and then combine that with wrath the Berserker to give you a massive Hammer of the Ancients attack that could almost wipe your screen clean no matter where your Hammer lands. The Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian is a very strong melee build that controls the battlefield and is very user-friendly for beginners, making it a perfect choice if you're a straightforward type of Barbarian player.

  • 10. Pulverize Druid

After the 1.0.3 patch, a plethora of incredibly potent builds emerged, and among them stands out the Pulverize build for the Druid. This particular build possesses the remarkable ability to unleash chaos throughout Sanctuary, dealing immense damage to its foes. By blending extensive Area of Effect (AoE) damage with exceptional defensive capabilities, the Pulverize build showcases a highly effective playstyle that can carry you deep into Nightmare Dungeons. However, it's worth noting that its single-target damage potential might be somewhat lacking when tackling the most challenging tier dungeons.

Now as you can see in Diablo 4, there are some amazing builds, and with the latest patch there were some minor Buffs across the board but we just wanted to display to you the builds that seem to be performing the best in terms of pushing nightmare dungeons as well as general effectiveness in the end game.