Diablo 4 Season 1 Easiest 1-50 Leveling Guide | Fast & Simple D4 Level 1-50 Guide

7/18/2023 10:42:26 AM

Diablo 4 Season 1 is fast approaching, and everybody is gearing up to restart that grind all over again. So we have the best 1-50 leveling guide for you.


Diablo 4 Season 1 Easiest 1-50 Leveling Guide

  • -First up, obviously, Group Play is the best, this will be able to be done solo, and we've actually used it this season to level up a few of our alternate characters, but Group Play will just streamline it a little bit you'll get more benefits out of it.

  • -Next up, this will also not cover any of these seasonal events like the Malignant Tunnels or the questline that we will be getting in the new season, those may turn out to be amazing forms of experience farming but if it does happen.

  • -The last thing you need to know is this will not have any complex routes, we get that everybody's not a speedrunner, and you don't want to have 40 different spreadsheets up covering all the different routes you need to take, this is as easy and straightforward as they can possibly make it, so literally anybody can do it and even the most casual gamers will have no problem following this.


How to Play

Let's actually jump into the game and starting off, obviously, you need to pick your character, and we do recommend finding a build guide in order for you to follow so that as you're farming, you're not actually stopping, and reading over the different stuff, beforehand what you need, this build guide will also help you choose all of the aspects that you need because that is going to factor in very early, aspects help you farm a lot faster, they make your build a lot better quality of life-wise and when leveling speed is the name of the game, so if you're killing stuff faster, you're getting more experience faster, you're leveling up faster, but there's also a fantastic website like Mtmmo that has very easy to follow guides, you don't want to have to go through that entire questline, it's just very annoying, and once you are in you're in Kyovashad, you are going to be line it for your first codex of power, that is why we recommend to have a build guide, because right off the bat you are going to farm a few of the different dungeons in order to get those aspects, this is basically killing two birds with one stone because you're getting a lot of levels early and you're also farming those aspects, so figure out which ones are in the first kind of two different starting acts, fractured Peaks or Scosglen, there's quite a few different aspects that are in those, so pick ones that work for your build or that the build recommends, and then just immediately run to those dungeons, you should look to do about two to three of them, by that time you should be about level 15 and then you can do your first stronghold this is going to be the town of Malnock and it's just east of Kyovashad, it's very close, it's actually really easy to do the stronghold, it's going to get you even more XP and it's going to unlock the first dungeon that you're going to be repeating constantly, this is the dungeon at the top of the town called Anica's Claim, this dungeon it was one of the dungeons that kind of flew under the radar that people didn't really pay attention to when everybody's finding all the amazing loot caves, it did get overshadowed by quite a few things like the Ruins of Eridu Champions demise and now blind Burrows, but now that you have Malnock unlocked and you are able to just constantly run this dungeon, you are just going to run it over and over and over as many times as you can to get to around level 30, it's also really good because if you are Solo then as soon as you leave the dungeon just walk a couple steps so you can leave the game and reset the dungeon and just hop back in, because you are technically in a town it's not going to make you run back from Kyovashad, but if you are in a group you can do the reset dungeon technique and then you can use elixirs, because it's not actually you leaving the game, you're just leaving the party, and Malnock also does have a blacksmith and vendors in there so you can sell or Salvage all the gear that you're not using and be getting yourself more stuff that way, but once you reach around level 30, if you ever a really strong build you can leave kind of around level 27 ish, that's when you're going to want to be line to Blind Burrows, if you need a little bit more of a power boost, you can start to look around for other codecs of power dungeons if you need to, but if you're still really strong then you can just immediately go to Blind Burrows and start to run that over and over, it has a ton of mobs and has a ton of Elites, it's just a very strong dungeon it was one of the best ones the entirety of the pre-season, we don't recommend completing the entire thing because the boss can take a little bit of time that you don't want to waste, but once you kill all three of the marked Elite mobs then just leave the dungeon reset it go back in do it again, and this will take you from 30 to 50 very easily and very quickly and again if you're in a group, you are going to be flying through this getting so much experience is, it going to be world record setting absolutely not but again, this is just as easy and straightforward as we can possibly make it, it's going to be a little bit boring but the 1-50 leveling process is always going to be a bit tedious until you get that power leveling ability, but once you reach level 50, you were able to go into your first Capstone dungeon going to World tier 3 and then start doing basically whatever you want to do, you can run blind Burrows over and over again, you can run Nightmare dungeons, you can Farm hell Tides, you can do whatever you want to do once you reach this level, we do recommend that you run all the strongholds that you can just get those out of the way early because then you can join a lot more Legion Events, but that's just our personal opinion do whatever, you want to do, do what you find fun, you got all the tedious work out of the way as quickly as you possibly can, now enjoy the game and play how you want to play.