WoW Remix Bronze Level 70 Farming Guide - Best Way to Farm Bronze in WoW MoP Remix Post Nerfs

5/27/2024 10:26:22 AM

We will be talking about MoP remix gold and will explain what is in our opinion the best technique right now to get tons of bronze and for you to buy all the different rewards you want in the game.



First of all, the main requirement for you to do this technique is already having one character leveled up. You want to reach a certain amount of experience gain on your cloak so when you're creating some alts you will automatically start with plus 100 experience gain on all these new characters, we would strongly recommend you when doing this technique to try and create characters that can do both healing and tanking simply because like that you will be able to get invited in dungeons rates and scenarios easily.


What We're After

Through this technique, we're targeting two things, first of all, since yesterday each time you reach level 70 on a new character, see "Infinite Growth" quests in Jade Forest, you will receive automatically 40,000 bronze for free and this is something that we're trying to Target with this technique, next to that you need to remember that there are a lot of daily activities that will also reward you with a lot of including, for instance, doing the different daily Quest from the infinite Bazaar, and also doing, for instance, all the different, looking for groups, looking for scenarios and killing a few raid bosses like that you should be able every day on each character when you level 60 or more to get at least 10,000 bronze.


1. Reaching Lvl 25 w/Alts

The first part of this farm is simply creating some alts and reaching level 25 with these different alts, so here normally when you logging, you will be able to directly unlock your cloak and then what you want to start doing directly is Ty for Eric and normal Dungeons and especially we would recommend you to maybe only do one normal dungeons but then only aoic once, so like that you can really level up super fast through them again, if you're playing on an healing class normally you will be able to get invited super easily, so here why you want to do all these different dungeons is simply because first of all you will get a lot of bonus experience when doing it, this is also a really good way to Simply get a lot of experience when killing all the different bosses, and all the different mobs inside, you will also have a few quests that you will be able to do inside of each of these different dungeons which are a pretty good additional way to get some experience, each time you finish these different Eric dungeons, you will get a lot of different threats, and over rewards that will reward you with a lot of powerful abilities for your cloak and also a lot of experience and bronze, one thing we would recommend you to do as well is in between these different dungeons when you're waiting, just do all the normal quests because you will still get some nice experience through them and at least you're not wasting any time.


2. Increase XP Gians

As soon as you reach level 25 and here as you can see normally if you're doing it well you should be able to reach level 25 in less than an hour and also one important thing to note is that you will already get more than 6,000 Bronze pretty easily when reaching level 25, so again in one hour which we think is honestly already good, but the next part of this Farm is to Simply start doing the raid the mosin bolt that you will be able to do in normal and a difficulty when you reach level 25, and the reason why you want to do that is simply because when you kill normal or aoic bosses each time you will receive this epic thread of experience that will reward you with 12% of experience gain for each BS that you kill, so this is something really important because like that you will be able to reach in no time plus maybe 200% when you're level 25 or 26, here again you just want to go in the pre-made group and you want to just try and find some of these different fresh groups and even though you're level 25 trust me some people will invite you simply because they know that at that level you're pretty op and also because it doesn't really change much so normally you shouldn't really struggle too much especially if again you're playing on a eating or tanking class.


3. Reaching LVL 70

So then after that you have two main Alternatives if you want you can just continue leveling up this character again, we would highly recommend you to try and get as much experience as possible so you can for instance also do the LFR that will reward you with some smaller experience gain but still some interesting stats, but what you can do is simply do all the different quest lines and try to level up as fast as possible again, we would probably recommend you to just continue doing a lot of Eric dungeons a few quests on the side but this should be the easiest way to reach level 70 pretty fast with this Single Character, then what we personally want to do is simply create a bunch of new Arts as soon as we reached level 25 and we've done the raid with my first art so like that we can do that again and again on all these other arts and each time we will be able to reach a really good level of experience with all of them and we will be able to get some bronze already by doing all the different daily activities on each of these characters and of course to level up while doing all these different daily activities, keep in mind when you're doing it on level 25 30 or even 40 you're not going to get tons of bronze from these different daily activities because they won't reward you with the really good cash, but still you will get some additional bronze, you will be able to level up, and again the main objective is to reach level 70 on as many character as possible in order to get the plus 40,000 free bronze that you will get automatically when reaching level 70.