Elden Ring 1.12.3 Best Zweihander Oneshot Build for DLC - How to Defeat All Main Bosses

7/11/2024 4:53:29 PM

The highly anticipated Elden Ring DLC expansion has arrived, bringing a host of new challenging bosses for Elden Ring players to face. Utilizing the ever-reliable Zweihander paired with the optimal stat scaling and powerful consumables. Follow this guide carefully to discover the exact weapon upgrades, talismans, and wand incantations needed to flatten every DLC boss in a single strike before they can even launch an attack. Get ready to venture forth empowered with the knowledge to dominate the new lands of the DLC without breaking a sweat.


1. Divine Beast Dancing Lion

Wait for the Divine Beast to perform its long combo attacks, then punish with a fully charged Zweihander heavy attack. Dodge the Divine Beast's leaping and charging attacks, then immediately counterattack with a Zweihander heavy strike. Use your Ash of War abilities, such as Stamp (Upward Cut), to stagger the Divine Beast and land critical hits.

If you have high enough Faith, consider using incantations like Flame of the Fell God to deal massive damage.


2. Rellana, Twin Moon Knight

Rellana is a highly mobile and aggressive opponent, so be prepared to dodge and counter their attacks. Watch for their twin moon blade attacks and be ready to roll or block them. Look for openings after their combos to land your powerful Zweihander strikes. Use the Zweihander's Stomp weapon skill to stagger Rellana and set up for a critical hit.


3. Golden Hippopotamus

Bait the Golden Hippopotamus to charge at you, then dodge to the side and punish with a fully charged R2 attack from your Zweihander. When the boss rears up to slam the ground, quickly roll away and then rush in for a few light attacks. If you have enough Faith, use the Flame, Cleanse Me incantation to remove any status effects applied by the boss. Time your attacks carefully and focus on landing your fully charged R2 strikes for maximum damage.


4. Messmer the Impaler

The Zweihander is a powerful greatsword that can deal massive damage with the right build.  To achieve an Oneshot build, focus on maximizing your Strength, Dexterity, and Arcane stats. Equip the Zweihander and use Ash of War abilities like Lion's Claw or Stamp (Upward Cut) to deal massive damage.


5. Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame

Begin by ensuring your Zweihander is upgraded to the maximum level and that your Strength and Dexterity stats are optimized to wield it effectively. When facing Midra, focus on carefully baiting out its devastating attacks and punishing them with well-timed, charged heavy strikes from your Zweihander. Manage your stamina meticulously, as you'll need to be able to dodge Midra's relentless onslaught of attacks and counterattack swiftly. Consider using a Greatshield to block some of Midra's attacks, and summon a tanky Spirit Ash to draw its attention and create openings for you to land your devastating blows.


6. Curse You Bayle

Defeating Curse You Bayle using a Zweihander Oneshot build in Elden Ring 1.12.3 DLC requires a combination of skill, timing, and strategic positioning. Start by ensuring your Zweihander is upgraded to the maximum level and that your Strength and Dexterity stats are sufficient to wield it effectively. When facing Curse You Bayle, focus on carefully baiting out its attacks and punishing them with well-timed, charged heavy strikes from your Zweihander. Manage your stamina carefully, as you'll need to be able to dodge Bayle's relentless onslaught of attacks and counterattack swiftly. Consider using a Greatshield to block some of Bayle's attacks, and summon a tanky Spirit Ash to draw its attention and create openings for you to land devastating blows.


7. Putrescent Knight

To defeat the Putrescent Knight using a Zweihander Oneshot build in Elden Ring 1.12.3 DLC, you'll need to employ a strategic and aggressive approach. Start by ensuring your Zweihander is upgraded to the maximum level and that you have the necessary Strength and Dexterity stats to wield it effectively. When facing the Putrescent Knight, focus on baiting out its attacks and punishing them with well-timed, charged heavy strikes from your Zweihander. Manage your stamina carefully, as you'll need to be able to dodge the knight's attacks and counterattack swiftly. Consider using a Greatshield to block some of the Putrescent Knight's attacks, and summon a tanky Spirit Ash to draw its attention and create openings for you to land devastating blows.


8. Commander Gaius

To defeat Commander Gaius using a Zweihander Oneshot build in Elden Ring 1.12.3 DLC, you'll need to leverage the power of the Zweihander and carefully manage your stamina. Start by baiting out Gaius' attacks and punishing them with charged heavy strikes from your Zweihander. Time your attacks carefully, as Gaius has a variety of powerful and unpredictable moves. Utilize the Zweihander's Weapon Art, Stomp, to create openings and stagger Gaius. Additionally, consider using a Greatshield to block some of his attacks and a tanky Spirit Ash to draw his attention, allowing you to land more devastating blows. Upgrade your Zweihander to the maximum level and apply a damage-boosting Ash of War or Weapon Buff to further increase your damage output.


9. Metyr, Mother of Fingers

When engaging Metyr, try to lure her long arm attacks and dodge through them at the last moment to get behind her for a critical. With your powerful criticals, you may need just one or two well-timed charged strikes to take down her massive health pool. With patience and perfect-timed counters on her slow windups, your critical hit-focused Zweihander build should allow you to handily defeat even this challenging late-game boss in a single shot.


10. Romina, Saint of the Bud

Focus on landing a single, well-timed Charged Heavy Attack with your Zweihander to try and one-shot Romina. This will require precise timing and positioning to avoid her attacks. If your initial Oneshot attempt fails, be prepared to dodge and counter-attack, using your Zweihander's reach and heavy damage to wear down Romina's health over time.


11. Scadutree Avatar

First, ensure your Zweihander is upgraded to its maximum potential and infused with the appropriate Ash of War to maximize its damage output. Time your attacks carefully, as the Scadutree Avatar has a variety of powerful melee and ranged attacks that can quickly deplete your health if you're not cautious. Focus on landing a single, well-timed Charged Heavy Attack with your Zweihander to try and one-shot the Scadutree Avatar. This will require precise timing and positioning to avoid its attacks. If your initial Oneshot attempt fails, be prepared to dodge and counter-attack, using your Zweihander's reach and heavy damage to wear down the Scadutree Avatar's health over time. Consider using buffs, talismans, and other support items to further enhance your Zweihander's damage and your own survivability during the fight.


12. Promised Consort Radahn

Start by ensuring your Zweihander is upgraded to its maximum potential and infused with the appropriate Ash of War to maximize its damage output.  When facing Radahn, time your attacks carefully, as he has a variety of powerful melee and ranged attacks that can quickly deplete your health if you're not cautious.  Focus on landing a single, well-timed Charged Heavy Attack with your Zweihander to try and one-shot Radahn. This will require precise timing and positioning to avoid his devastating attacks. If your initial Oneshot attempt fails, be prepared to dodge and counter-attack, using your Zweihander's reach and heavy damage to wear down Radahn's health over time.