ACNH July Updates 2021 - Best Summer Events, Seasonal Items, New Bugs, Fish & Sea Creatures In Animal Crossing New Horizons
The month of July is almost upon us in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you know what this means, it's time to check out some more updates changes that are happening throughout the month! whether you're in the northern hemisphere, you're enjoying the warm months of summer; or you're in the southern hemisphere, your island is covered in snow. there'll be new items to collect, new bugs, fish, sea creatures to catch. a lot more happening including some neat events as well. so let’s go over all the details that you need to know about the month of July for 2021 in Animal Crossing.
ACNH Best Summer Events 2021 - Animal Crossing New Horizons July Summer Events
The first event that's happening in July happens on the second Saturday of the month until 6 pm which is of course the summer fishing tourney. you may be familiar with this already, this event happens a few times throughout the year. This event is a lot of fun, there's a different bunch of items to collect throughout it. you can make a lot of extra bells from fish as well. even if you have played it before, it's still a nice mini kind of distraction. it's nice to see your villagers doing different stuff around the island than they usually do. it's a great way to make some more bells if you're in need of those for whatever reason.
On the fourth Saturday of the month, sadly for northern hemisphere players only, there is the bug off, like with the fishing tourney, you can get some pretty cool items, you can make a lot of extra bells from bugs. the bug items in this game are amazing, if you don't have them all, you need to get your hands on them. throughout the months, we often wonder what new items are going to be added, but there's a lot of items that people haven't got their hands on yet. for example, the artisanal bug cage is an absolutely stunning item that you can get from flicks during these events. you can also play online with your friends too if you can or with local play or co-op play because it does make it a lot more fun, you can actually compete with people as well, which is something that a lot of people don't actually know about.
ACNH July Seasonal Items 2021
There are new seasonal items you can get through the nook shopping tab, there are two that are returning from last year, two that are a brand new one, which actually goes on your door. get these before it's too late, keep an eye out throughout the month with your nook shopping tab, you most likely won't miss any of these, because there are only four of them to collect. there are some pretty cool new items that only recently got added this year. if you played the game last July, there are new things for you to get here which is exciting.
ACNH New Bugs, Fish & Sea Creatures In 2021 July
the month of July is an amazing month to catch bugs if you're in the northern hemisphere. sorry for those of you in the southern hemisphere, but right now we get to enjoy the really rare bugs which tend to spawn on palm trees, the beetles can sell for tons of bells. these are perfect to farm, you can get an absolute ton of bells from them from selling them to Nook’s Cranny. if you're trying to make money really fast within this game, this is a pretty good method. if you didn't play this month last year, there will be a lot of new bugs for you to actually go out there catch. you will be able to make some good progress on your encyclopedia and museum this month.
There are also some new fish to catch and new sea creatures as well. check out the site nookipedia. they actually have very detailed infographics on when you can see these fish arrive, when they leave, where exactly they catch them. give it a quick google, you won't regret it. for those of you in the southern hemisphere, you don't get the bugs, but there are some cool critters to catch throughout the month.
ACNH New Bush Changes 2021
Very sadly, our hydrangea bushes in this northern hemisphere will actually go away, but on July 21st, the hibiscus bushes, which have to personify the summertime vibe to it, will be coming into bloom. these bushes always remind you of tortoise island and captain in the previous Animal Crossing game New Leaf. having them around your island can make the island feel more tropical, more summery. from July 21st, you can enjoy these. you can get them in red & yellow. But make sure you enjoy those hydrangeas before they go away because it won't be too long before they disappear from your islands until next year.
ACNH New Aesthetical Weather Changes 2021
Throughout the month of July, if you're in the northern hemisphere, you'll be able to experience the grass slowly getting darker and darker until it's very dark green in the month of August. you'll also notice your trees getting darker in color as well. they start to look a bit more faded as summer progresses around your island. there's also another change in terms of the weather, you can experience a lot more rain in the month of July, it seems like it is a lot of fun. there's something about rain in Animal Crossing that's really peaceful, it's a great time to go out fishing, chatting with your villagers whilst wearing some nice raincoats. you can actually catch your frog villagers, not using their umbrellas, that is a really nice detail when it rains.
July isn't the craziest month in Animal Crossing New Horizons, in fact, not half as much is going on as in the month of June or even April or May, it's a bit of a shame. but there are still some fun things to do, especially if you didn't play the game much last year, there'll be a lot for you to enjoy this month.
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