Lost Ark Tripod System Update: Easiest 4 Level Tripod Way & Best Tripods For Each Class
It is time to start to set up all of your characters in their best slot tripods for when the new tripod system hits the US version. So here we go over all the changes and new features of the new tripod system, as well as tell you the easiest 4-level tripod method and which tripods for each class to focus on so that you can get ready for the tripod update perfectly!
What Is the Lost Ark Tripod Update?
What this tripod update will be doing is that instead of having your tripods in your skill tree inventory, you're going to have a tripod library. Once you learn a tripod, you've learned it forever at that level, this means that if you want to try out different skills or different tripods, you think things get buffed and nerfed and whatever, it will be much easier to switch between skills than it currently is. Because for anyone who's ever tried to like run a different skill on their alt than they started with, it is a pain to find tripods for that skill especially once you're higher level and level one tripods don't really drop anymore.
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Changes & New Features of The New Tripod System
This tripod update coming in the Lost Ark US/EU version has the potential to save you thousands of gold across multiple characters, be sure to make use of it. From the new tripod system overhauled on the KR server, here is a quick summary of the Tripod Update:
Tripods are no longer attached to your armor
Only Tripods in your Inventory will be LEARNED
Tripods on your EQUIPED armor get DELETED
Tripods on Broken Armor pieces will stay
Tripod Inventory system is now DELETED
Tripods are now attached to your character
Tripods still require a gamble but now are learned to the character
Tripods are NOT roster wide, still character based
Tripods are associated with your skill tree and can be selected at will
Tripods themselves are not changed and are still capped at LEVEL 5
Tripod Gear phrasing change, Level 1 becomes 2, Level 2 becomes 3, etc.
Tripod success odds doubled, Powder of Sage still double odds
Tripod Broken Armor pieces replaced with the new amulet, function the same.
How To Prepare For The New Tripod System?
These are the basics of what you can do right now:
1. Fast & Easiest Way To Save a Bunch of Level 4 Tripods
If you get any level 4 drops just save them in here, it's a 100 chance of it saving - just save it into your tripod inventory at level 4 and when the update comes it's going to be pulling all of your tripods from this skill tree inventory, which means that even if in this inventory you have like three or four or five pages of a bunch of assorted tripods, but as long as those tripods have that level four on them when the update drops, they will be at max level of that tripod. So if you plan for this correctly, all of your characters can have full max level tripods which is an insane power boost.
2. Best Tripods For Each Class To Focus On
This Lost Ark tripod priority list is a google doc that has every single class with obviously their spec and the primary tripods, secondary and optional, so pretty much a tier list on which ones you should focus on as a priority, which ones you should focus on the secondary, and then the completely optional ones. This is super important and useful if you're not planning on just getting all of your 18 tripods for your character:
We would recommend that you least focus on at least some of these, it's going to cost a bit of fiance but the power scaling of having your hardest hitting skills juiced out of their minds when the patch comes.
3. Use Tripod Inventory Organizer To Prepare Your Character Tripods Easily
If you're going for a lot of tripods on every single character, so your characters are hella juiced by the time this stuff comes out, you have to remember all your pieces are going to have one level four tripod on it which means you have to balance out. You're going to have to spend extra blue crystals to unlock each page, this can be really complicated but there is a google document to make this a lot easier: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T8MlEaaYASTdao4cHllfyHoR7rurtifMW_fPUKCYs1M
How To Use The Tripod Inventory Organizer?
Put in all of these skill tripods that you are tracking and that you care about
Slap them inside of this google document and put the skill name here
Then you will have the option to choose the level and the pieces
This google doc makes it insanely easy to prep your characters, even if you're not planning on going for all of your tripods we think it is still very worth it to use as google doc, because if you're going for 5, 6, 7 tripods, you can easily accidentally over stack the same piece of gear that's going to be competing for slots and you don't need to spend blue crystals on more slots if you don't have to.
More Thing To Note For Preparing Your Tripods for The Update
If you do not save equipped tripods to inventory, they will be LOST. This is a ONE TIME OPPORTUNITY to take advantage of this change, since we know that all inventory tripods will be saved we can cheese this, by purchasing additional pages in the inventory we can guarantee max Tripods.
Since inventory transfer is 100% and you can purchase up to 5 pages, we can simply just purchase, or use dropped tripods with a SINGLE Level 4
There is ZERO gambling required, we will simply utilize the pages to save Level 4 Tripods.
Since builds are capped at 18 Tripods, most players will only need 3 pages, however, due to the update, you can now have Chaos Dungeon Tripods as well as saving tripods for other builds you might try in the future.
You may still save money by buying double Level 4 Tripod pieces, but it is ultimately up to your market and class.
You do not know when this update will come, it could be soon distant.
This is something that is definitely worth doing now, it depends where your account is at obviously because feons are insanely expensive right now, but tripods are really important and extremely powerful, so being able to prepare for this ahead of time is going to be huge for your alts and especially for your main.
Is It Worth To Buying Level 4 Tripods and Saving Them To Tripod Inventory Pages?
The answer is YES, it's 100% worth doing even though blue crystals are at an insane price right now. If you have characters parked if you're just chilling pretty much, honestly if you've been playing the game right now and you haven't taken a break since the launch, chances are your roster is probably pretty juiced and you have a lot of characters parked, this is something that is super important. Because even if let's say you've parked your characters at like 1370 or 1450 whatever it is, your characters are eventually going to need a lot of power. And once this system is gone where you can no longer be guaranteed roll tripods into the skill tree inventory and it turns into the skill tree library, you're going to be sad that it's gone because you're going to have the only way you can save tripods from that point forward is hitting that super low percentage roll. Tripods are so much power and we're getting it for free right now practically.
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