WoW SoD Phase 4 Investments & Goldmaking - Best Gold Farms for Phase 4 Season of Discovery

7/5/2024 11:23:54 AM

With Season of Discovery Phase 4 set to launch on July 11th, now is the perfect time to start preparing and investing. New tiers of raids, dungeons, and reputations are imminent, alongside highly sought-after legendary equipment and top-level gear. Having a healthy gold stockpile eases progression into these new systems. Here are some best gold investments before SoD Season 4 begins. 

best investments for phase 4 Season of Discovery

WoW SoD Phase 4 Investments & Goldmaking - Best Gold Farms for Phase 4 Season of Discovery

Phase 4 is coming but this is the single best time to farm, and if you invest wisely you could be 10X all the gold you farm by the time Phase 4 drops. So if you want your Thunder Fury, Arcanite Reaper, Lionheart Helm, Hand of Ragnaros, there's never going to be a better time to farm them than right now. Below, we're going to be breaking down the best Phase 4 prep gold farms. 

1. Guardian Stones

Located in the northeast corner of Silithus is one of the highest gambling highest potential gold farm in history. Killing the Elites for not only free Cenarion Circle reputation, but also a chance at Eternium lock boxes. That is the lock box typically dropped by raid Elites in Phase 4. Alongside the greens and blues, there are two items in these lot boxes that have extreme value. The first of these items is the four stats chest enchant, world first Raiders would kill for that enchant right now. If you're lucky enough to get it, you could bank thousands of gold per day until the phase hits. But the real reason to farm Eternium Lockboxes is for the even rarer item, the lionheart helm recipe. That is the recipe that leads to the lionheart hel which is going to be extremely desirable for all play wearers. If you've got that recipe day 1 of Phase 4, people are going to be lining up around the block to give you gold cap to pay for it as an alternative to the cultist if they get too crowded. You can also farm the lock boxes from the Stone Guardians in Un’Goro. So speaking of Guardians, the perfect investment to go into Phase 4 is Guardian Stones. As several of the new crafted recipes on the PTR are going to be using these Guardian Stones. They're going to be a nightmare to farm in Phase four, so a very solid investment to make now.

2. Gold Farm

Then we have the gold farm. So incursions are really the answer to all your gold problems heading into Phase 4, they are also extremely unappealing to many players, but 80 to 100 gold an hour is very hard to beat. And if you just did 3 hours of incursions a week for the next 4 weeks, that would be enough to pay for your epic mount, so nobody makes fun of you going to the raids. To ensure that you optimally run in a circle to maximize your gold, don't forget the nightmare incursion helper add-on. And if you happen to be in the ferales incursion, don't forget to kill the giant. He drops the pet stone which is rapidly becoming one of the most desirable items in the game. The pet stone has collision, so it can block the auction house or you can climb infinitely so you can place some really sketchy summoners on the top of Blackrock Mountain for the PVP event. So with this gold farm comes a nice and safe investment. That investment is elemental fire, the primary use of elemental fire is the greater fire protection potions. Prices historically skyrocketed when Blackwing Lair came out. But with the new difficulty modes in molden core, everybody's going to want this potions in the beginning of Phase 4.

3. The Longshot

Eye of Shadow is really good to farm right now, because not only do you have the whole area to yourself but you also will be able to take advantage of those top guild priests, that want to get benediction for day one. Having a fully geared out squad of priests for day one is going to make a huge difference for the new molton core difficulty modes. But there are two risks here because you have to wait until the phase hits for people to buy the eyes. The other problem is that in Phase 4 Kasic will be instanced, that means they're going to be more eyes generated in the game than there normally would be. 

4. Golden Pearls

The biggest investment is golden pearls. When people are leveling their main character to level 50 for example, people just naturally found a bunch of these pearls and they literally have no demand right now. The only demand they have is people thinking ahead or people speculating on their demand in the future and then buying them now for that increased demand. And later on that's going to shift, less people are going to be doing stuff in the open world, at level 60 for example, they're going to raid log simply the demand goes up bias being able to use the golden pears. And the supplying goes down because people play the less.

5. Devilsaur Leather

There are some items in the game that get much easier to farm as we get further into different phases. But there are other items like the Crusader enchant that only get harder to farm. The only place to farm the Crusader recipe is in that tiny little tower in Eastern Plaguelands. And you can only expect one recipe about every 3 hours to make matters worse, there's really only enough room for one group to be forming at any given time. Since half the server is going to be here in the phase launches, this is really the single best time to get out there and get your Crusader recipe. To pair with that Crusader farm though, we need a Now or Never investment, for that investment we have Devilsaur leather, every leather wearer wanted Devilsaur back in classic for their preis legs and their gloves. But with the new recipes coming in Phase 4, the leather is going to be even rarer and more expensive than before. 

6. Mount Collection Farming

Sought after rare mounts commanding large sums remain attainable through older raids and dungeons or outdoor world bosses. Prioritize collecting mounts without long respawns to continuously auction them off. Some examples include Mimiron's Head, Invincible, and Onyxian Drake for big payouts.

7. Arcanite Bars

The true number one gold maker going into Phase 4 is transmuting Arcane crystals into Arcanite Bars. Arcanite Bars are going to be used in the new crafting recipes that Blizzard just announced. And they've also got a huge role in key items like thunderfury and the extremely desirable hand of ragnaros. Since every single Season of Discovery players is going to want some epic to show off, the Arcanite Bars are going to be a really big bottleneck, the idea is to get your Alchemy to 275 for the transmute. And to also do the transmute mastery quest. Then every single day you can transmute an Arcane Crystal into bars. The reason this is the best gold maker is that it's the most scalable gold maker and that means you could technically have say 10 Alchemy alts all transmuting at the same time. The only word of caution is that nobody's buying the Arcanite Bars, but they really will be big time in Phase 4. So the perfect investment to go with our lazy gold making method is grilled squid. So as of now there still isn't any replacement food for grilled squid and it's still a best-in slot food for classes like Hunters. The winter squid won't be fishable again until around September 22nd. And that means every single day the supply of squid is just going to go down.