Elden Ring TOP 5 Dexterity Builds after Shadow of the Erdtree

7/22/2024 3:25:16 PM

In today's guide, we'll show you the top 5 dexterity builds after Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, all builds tested in the first fun.


5. The Night Knight Build

The Night Knight build excels at aggressive, up-close combat. Use the Claws of Night's unique weapon skill, Witching Hour Slash, to dish out powerful magic damage. Follow up with quick dagger strikes and well-timed incantations. Take advantage of Millicent's Prosthesis and Rotten Winged Sword Insignia to boost your attack power with successive strikes. Use the Magic Scorpion Charm, Shard of Alexander, and Cracked Tears to maximize your magic damage output. When facing tougher foes, buff yourself with incantations like Electrify Armament and Golden Vow to further enhance your combat prowess.

-Equipments: Claws of Night, Heavy Dagger, Helm of Night, Armor of Night, Gauntlets of Night, Greaves of Night, Millicent’s Prosthesis, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Magic Scorpion Charm, Shard of Alexander, Thorny Cracked Tear, Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear.

-Attributes & Stats: 55 Vigor, 24 Mind, 30 Endurance, 10 Strength, 85 Dexterity, 10 Intelligence, 10 Faith, 10 Arcane.


4. Zamor Curved Sword Build

When fighting Bayle, focus on landing consistent hits with the Zamor Curved Sword, utilizing its Pierce damage to exploit his weakness. Dodge and block his attacks, and use the Heavy Dagger for quick, opportunistic strikes. Manage your stamina carefully, as the Zamor Curved Sword's moveset can be stamina-intensive.

-Equipments: Zamor Curved Sword, Heavy Dagger, Divine Beast Head, Rakshasa Armor, Rakshasa Gauntlets, Rakshasa Greaves, Magic Scorpion Charm, Two-Handed Sword Talisman, Enraged Divine Beast, Shard of Alexander, Opaline Hardtear, Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear.

-Attributes& Stats: 60 Vigor, 19 Mind, 30 Endurance, 24 Strength, 74 Dexterity, 10 Intelligence, 10 Faith, 10 Arcane.


3. Milady's Knight Build

The Milady's Knight Build is a fast-paced, dual-wielding build that focuses on utilizing the Keen Milady Greatsword and a Heavy Dagger. The key to this build is leveraging the Milady's smooth attack chains and the Heavy Dagger's burst damage to overwhelm your opponents.

-Equipments: Keen Milady, Heavy Dagger, Frenzied Flame Seal, Oathseeker Knight Helm, Leda’s Armor, Oathseeker Knight Gauntlets, Oathseeker Knight Greaves, Two-Handed Sword Talisman, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Rellana’s Cameo, Shard of Alexander, Thorny Cracked Tear, Greenburst Crystal Tear.

-Attributes & Stats: 60 Vigor, 15 Mind, 30 Endurance, 12 Strength, 80 Dexterity, 10 Intelligence, 12 Faith, 10 Arcane.

-Utilize the Milady's fast, fluid attack chains to pressure your opponents and build up status effects like Bleed or Frostbite.

-Seamlessly transition between the Milady's light and heavy attacks, using the heavy attacks to catch rolling enemies.

-Supplement your melee attacks with well-timed Frenzied Flame incantations to catch opponents off-guard.

-Manage your stamina carefully, using the Thorny Cracked Tear and Greenburst Crystal Tear to maintain your offensive pressure.

-Leverage the Two-Handed Sword Talisman, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, and Rellana's Cameo to maximize your damage output.


2. The Jumping Samurai Build

This Jumping Samurai Build emphasizes lightning-infused katana attacks, powerful jumping strikes, and quick dagger combos to overwhelm your enemies in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.

1. Equip the Lightning Great Katana as your primary weapon. This katana deals lightning damage and has a unique jumping attack that can be used to quickly close the distance with enemies.

2. Equip the Heavy Dagger as your secondary weapon. The heavy dagger can be used for quick, high-damage attacks when enemies get too close.

3. Wear the Iron Kasa headpiece, Greavebirds's Blackquill Armor, Rakshasa Gauntlets, and Rakshasa Greaves. This armor set provides good physical defense and boosts your lightning damage.

4. Use the Lightning Scorpion Charm to further increase your lightning damage output.

5. Equip the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia to boost your jumping attack damage, the Ritual Sword Talisman to increase your weapon skill damage, and the Claw Talisman to enhance your jumping attacks.

6. Consume the Stonebarb Cracked Tear and Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear to temporarily boost your lightning damage and defense.

7. Focus on using the jumping attack of the Lightning Great Katana to quickly close the distance and deal massive damage to your opponents. Supplement this with quick dagger strikes when enemies get too close.

8. Utilize your lightning-based weapon skills and talismans to maximize your damage output and mobility.

-Equipments: Lightning Great Katana, Heavy Dagger, Iron Kasa, Greavebirds’s Blackquill Armor, Rakshasa Gauntlets, Rakshasa Greaves, Lightning Scorpion Charm, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Ritual Sword Talisman, Claw Talisman, Stonebarb Cracked Tear, Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear.

-Attributes & Stats: 60 Vigor, 15 Mind, 30 Endurance, 14 Strength, 80 Dexterity, 10 Intelligence, 10 Faith, 10 Arcane.


1. The Blind Spot Warrior Build

With this build, you'll be able to quickly and efficiently dispatch enemies in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, relying on your agility, stealth, and the unique properties of your equipment.

-Equip the Keen Backhand Blade in your main hand and the Heavy Dagger in your off-hand. This combination allows you to quickly strike enemies from behind with the Backhand Blade's unique move set, while the Dagger provides additional damage.

-Wear the Mushroom Crown, Rakshasa Armor, Rakshasa Gauntlets, and Rakshasa Greaves. This set provides a balance of defense, poise, and a unique visual aesthetic that fits the "Blind Spot Warrior" theme.

-Use the Kindred of Rot's Exultation and Rotten Winged Sword Insignia talismans to boost your damage when enemies are afflicted with Scarlet Rot. Millicent's Prosthesis further enhances your damage output.

-Equip the Shard of Alexander talisman to increase your weapon skill damage, and the Thorny Cracked Tear and Greenburst Crystal Tear in your Wondrous Physick to provide additional damage boosts and utility.

-Focus on using the Backhand Blade's unique moveset to quickly strike enemies from behind, taking advantage of the Blind Spot Warrior's playstyle. Utilize the Dagger's heavy attacks and weapon skills to finish off weakened foes.

-Equipment: Keen Backhand Blade, Heavy Dagger, Mushroom Crown, Rakshasa Armor, Rakshasa Gauntlets, Rakshasa Greaves, Kindred of Rot’s Exultation, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Millicent's Prosthesis, Shard of Alexander, Thorny Cracked Tear, Greenburst Crystal Tear.

-Attributes &Stats: 60 Vigor, 14 Mind, 30 Endurance, 10 Strength, 90 Dexterity, 10 Intelligence, 10 Faith, 10 Arcane.